Find below a list of all active and finished ITEA projects
Cooperative Missions of Autonomous Vehicle Swarms for Surveillance Tasks
Fully Automated AI Data Extraction from Scientific Literature
Adaptive Office
Integrated Platform for the Provision of Health and Social Care in the Community
Engineering Large Foundational Models for Enterprise Integration
Digitalized user engagement evaluation systems using event-based user analytics
Generative AI for the Software Development Life Cycle
GreenCode: AI/ML Driven Software Optimisation to Reduce Cost and Climate Impact
Homogenous Cyber Management of End-Points and OT
Monitoring and Analytics for the whole Lifecycle, on Models, Hardware, and Software
Medical GPT Revolutionizing Healthcare with Ethical AI
Providing trustful and ethical personalised conversational interfaces on top of news and information
Patient Health Response in Emergent and Secure Habitats for Connected Healthcare
Remote patient-targeted health monitoring to reduce clinical workload
Improving Resilience of Enterprise Workforce and AI to Operational Challenges
Safety & Incident Response for building Emergency Networks
Virtual Integrated Supply-chain Improvement with Optimized Networking
Valid generative design for 3D printing
AgAPP-e: Agriculture’s digital Analyser of Production, for Phosphorus efficiency
REtail using Technology based on Artificial InteLLigence
Intelligent Digital Twin Platform for Climate-Neutral Data Centres
AI for fiber-optic remote sensing
Artificial Intelligence for Trade-based Money Laundering Detection
Deep4Sat43: Geo-AI Ecosystem for tree (43) health inspection and early warning.
EXPLanatory interactive Artificial intelligence for INdustry
Holistic Federated AI Development for Mixed-Reality Applications in Europe
Intelligent Workflow optimization and Intuitive System interaction in Healthcare
AI For AgriFood Supply Chain
SmART and connected WORKer
Building Energy Flexibility at Scale for Trading and Earning of Revenues
Cognitively Smart Assistant in Phygital Environment
FERtigation Irrigation DEcision Support System
Accounting for fire safety engineering using Building Information Modelling
Intelligent Interoperable Digital Twins
Managing Sustainability Tradeoffs
Improved efficiency in automated medical reporting to enhance doctor and patient experience
Natural Disaster Risk and Assessment Platform
Open standards for SCALable virtual engineerING and operation
Optimal Logistics Operation & Analysis Data Space
PRocedure Optimization and data-driven eFficiency Improvement in healthcare environmenTs.
Security of Critical Infrastructure by Multi-Modal Dynamic Sensing and AI
Software product line Optimization for Safety-/mission-critical Industrial Systems
Secure situational awareness for critical cyber-physical systems
Open reference architecture for engineering model spaces
Transforming Healthcare Through Semantic Interoperability & Patient Self-Efficacy
Developing AI ecosystems improving diagnosis and care of mental diseases
Environment Adaptive Recommendation System
Integrating AI into smart control systems, and increasing productivity for industrial areas
Generating and Deploying Lightweight, Secure and Zero-overhead Software for Multipurpose IoT Devices
Remote Monitoring in Health and sports
Secure Open Collaboration Framework powered by Artificial Intelligence
Eco-system for disease specific clinical workflow and data integration
Traffic AI Prediction of Common Operational Picture
Timeline-Driven Digital Twin
Proactive protection against phishing-based ransomware
Autonomous Integrated Scheduling for Semiconductor Industry
AI training using Simulated Instruments for Machine Optimization and Verification
Energy Efficient Heterogeneous AI-Framework for Smart Mobile and Embedded Systems
Industrial Machine Learning for Enterprises
Smart Platform for Robot Management and Coordination with AI powered Cloud
Spectral Analysis in life sciences and materials sciences through Artificial Intelligence
Automation, Surgery Support and Intuitive 3D visualization to optimize workflow in IGT SysTems
Encrypted Network Traffic Analysis for Cyber Security
Healthcare Knowledge Discovery
Innovating Sales and Planning of Complex Industrial Products Exploiting Artificial Intelligence
Optimal Management of Demand
Sensing and Image-Guided Neurological therapies, cardiac Electrophysiology and Tumour treatments
Privacy preserving cross-organizational data analysis in the healthcare sector
Automated Quality Assurance and Optimization in Incremental Industrial Software Systems Development
Artificial Intelligence supported Tool Chain in Manufacturing Engineering
Compact modelling of high-tech systems for health management and optimization along the supply chain
Design Exploration Framework based on AI for froNt-loaded Engineering
Stimulate continuous monitoring in personal and physical health
Machine Intelligence for smart and sustainable planning and operation of IoT and Edge
Multi-method workspace for highly scalable production lines
Smart, Attack-Resistant Internet of Things Networks
Unleash Potentials in Simulation
Smart Analytics for Multi-Scale Material and Manufacturing Modelling
Blended Modelling for Enhanced Software and Systems Engineering
Detect Fraudulent Activities in dark web and clear web to protect your business
Environment for model-based rigorous adaptive co-design and operation of CPS
Autonomous and easy-to-use tool for monitoring of personal food intake and personalised feedback
Interoperable Distributed Ledger Technology
Industrial-grade Verification and Validation of Evolving Systems
Knowledge-based services for and optimisation of machines
Mental Wellbeing Management and Productivity Boosting in the Workplace
Operational eXcellence by Integrating Learned information into AcTionable Expertise
Spatial Modelling Analytics & Real-time Tracking
Trustworthy and Smart Communities of Cyber-Physical Systems
Autonomous datacenters for long term deployment
Cognitive services for IoT-based scenarios
Citizen Storytelling
Addressing opportunities and threats for the Factory of the Future (FoF)
Digital Lifecycle Twins for predictive maintenance
Intelligent IoT-based Port Artefacts Communication, Administration & Maintenance
Intelligence based iMprovement of Personalized treatment And Clinical workflow supporT
End-to-end Digital Integration based on Modular Simulation of Natural Human Motions
Boosting Design Efficiency for Heterogeneous³ Systems
Predictive and Prescriptive Automation in Smart Manufacturing
Urban Data Policy Lab: POLicy & Data Exploitation & Re-use
Smart Additive Manufacturing – an AM Intelligent Platform
SeCuRe and Agile Connected Things
A Smart Predictive Maintenance Approach based on Cyber Physical Systems
Visual diagnosis for DevOps software development
eXcellence In Variant Testing
BIM in the City
Cost-Efficient Smart System Software Synthesis
OPTimised Industrial IoT and Distributed Control Platform for Manufacturing and Material Handling
Profiling and Analysis Platform Using Deep Learning
Patient-care Advancement with Responsive Technologies aNd Engagement togetheR
Empowering people to monitor and improve their health using personal data and digital coaching
Proximity Services Framework
Smart Prognosis of Energy with Allocation of Resources
System Technologies for Adaptive Real-time MR Image-guided Therapies
The Next Level of Test Automation
A new Interface Standard for Integrated Virtual Material Modelling in Manufacturing Industry
open standard APplication Platform for carS and TrAnsportation vehiCLEs
Smart City 3D simulation and monitoring platform
Intelligent Perception System for Autonomous Vehicles
EMPHYSIS – Embedded systems with physical models in the production code software
Engineering Tool Chain for Efficient and Iterative Development of Smart Factories
Environmental Sensing To Act for a Better quality of Life: Smart Health
Platform for Application and Infrastructure Flexibility in Cyber-Physical Systems
High Integrity RPAS by Innovative Software Engineering
Media Orchestration - Sensor to Screen
Personal dAta pRotection FrAmework for IoT
Public Safety and Crisis Management Service Orchestration
Panacea Gaming Platform
Round-trip Engineering and Variability Management Platform and Process
Software-instrumentation platform to improve situational awareness for emergency responders
Social Media and Digital Interaction Intelligence
Extensive Personal Monitoring & Watch Platform
Developing 3D Digital Pathology with Spectroscopy
Advanced Co-simulation Open System ARchitecture
Affordable Safe & Secure Mobility Evolution
Electronic Ticketing System
Enhanced Affective Wellbeing based on Emotion Technologies for adapting IoT spaces
Measuring Software Engineering
Medical care evolution
Open Cyber-Physical System Model-Driven Certified Development
React to Effects Fast by Learning, Evaluation, and eXtracted InformatiON
SOcial LOcal MObile iNdoor shopping experience
Security, fraud detection and encryption for smart grids based on AI
Enabling of Results from AMALTHEA and others for Transfer into Application and building a Community
Advancing Plug & Play Smart Surveillance
Better Effectiveness aNd EFficiency by measuring and modelling of Interventional Therapy
The COncurrency and LOcality Challenge
Smart wearable sport and health solutions
Collaborative City Co-design PlatfOrm
Future Unified System for Energy and Information Technology
Integrated & Distributed Engineering Services framework for MDO
Integrated service delivery for citizens' safety and comfort
Inter-cloud identity governance
Industrial Enterprise Asset Value Enablers
Smart M2M Grids – M2M Internet for dynamic M2M Information Business ecosystem
Massive Online Open Course TABlet
Text & Model-Synchronized Document Engineering Platform
Unified Intelligent WATER Management
A Platform for the Acceleration of go-to market in the ICT Industry
Test methodology for virtual commissioning based on behaviour simulation of production systems
Building as a Service
Collaborative Analytics Platform
Dementia Watch System
Framework for Indoor and Outdoor Navigation Assistance
Identity, Doc, Exchange, Authentication 4 Systems Worldwide Interconnections of Frequent Travelers
MAssive Calculations on Hybrid systems
Automated Self-Protection and Self-Healing Software Solutions
SCALing softwARE: Supporting Industry in Managing Software Scalability
Software Development Governance (SDG) as a Service
Smart Energy Aware Systems
System of Real-Time Systems
VIrtualization of Smart CArds
Platform for Smart Car to Car Content Delivery
Empathic Products
Federated Security Shield
Innovative Cloud Architecture for Real Entertainment
Multi-Concerns Interactions System Engineering
Model Driven Physical Systems Operation
My Mobile and Smart Health Care Assistant
Processes Models for Engineering of Embedded Systems
Social Internet of things: Apps by and for the Crowd
Open Proofs Methodology for the European Train Control Onboard System
Attack Detection And Countermeasures Simulation
Advanced Test Automation for Complex and Highly-Configurable Software-intensive Systems
Creating evolution capable cooperating applications in industrial automation
Disaster Control Management
Extendable Architecture and Service Infrastructure for Cloud-Aware Software
User Led Energy Efficiency Management
Many-core programming and resource management for high-performance Embedded Systems
Medical Distributed Utilization of Services & Applications
Policies REfined DYnamically and Kept On Track
Safe Automotive soFtware architEcture
Single European Open Mobile Services Area
Twinning virtual World (on-line) Information with Real world (off-Line) data sources
Web of Objects
Autonomic Services in M2M Networks
Adaptive Content Delivery Cluster
Acoustic wave application for the analysis of the quality & safety of porous food & non-food matrice
Model Based Open Source Development Environment for Automotive Multi Core Systems
Development and Industrial Application of Multi-Domain Security Testing Technologies
Intelligent Monitoring of Power Networks
Interoperable Sensor Networks
Just Explore DImensions
Mobilized Lifestyle With Wearables
Patient Friendly Medical Intervention
A Reconfigurable Surveillance System with Smart Sensors and Communication
Surveillance imProved sYstem
Timing Model - TOols, algorithms, languages, methodology, USE cases
Cooperative Advanced REsearch for Medical Efficiency
Do-it-Yourself Smart Experiences
A Guardian Angel for the Extended Home Environment
Networked Monitoring & Control, Diagnostic for Electrical Distribution
Open Platform for the Engineering of Embedded Systems
Open Model-Driven Whole-Product Development and Simulation Environment
Role-centric identity
Smart Urban Spaces
User interface eXtensible Mark-up Language
VERification-oriented & component-based model Driven Engineering for real-time embedded systems
Visual Context Modelling
Ubiquitous Service Infrastructure for the Mobile Super Prosumer
Advanced Infrastructure for Medical Equipment Management and Services
Embedded Decision and Data Fusion for Medical Intervention Support
Evolutionary validation, verification and certification
Global Energy Optimisation for Distributed heterogeneous Embedded Systems
Deploying next generation high-definition television from professional production to the home user
High Performance image Processing
IT supporting execution of innovative projects
Multimodal Interfaces for Disabled and Ageing Society
From System Modeling to S/W running on the Vehicle
Security policies in multi-domain environments
Global standards among real and virtual worlds
Open Source Ambient Intelligence Commons
Productivity in Collaborative Systems Development
A publish/Subscribe Infrastructure for Real-Time Services
Services Management by Semantic
Systems modelling and simulation
Ambient Intelligence for the Elderly
Collaborative Aggregated Multimedia for Digital Home
Deployment of Model-Based Technologies to Industrial Testing
EASY Interactions
Embedded Software Product-based ASSurance
European Leadership in System Modeling and Simulation through advanced Modelica Libraries
Experience sharing in mobile peer communities
Flexible Global Product Development and Integration
Large scale distributed INDexation of multimedia Objects
Model-driven development of highly configurable embedded Software-intensive Systems
Parallel Programming for Multi-core Architectures
Trusted Embedded Computing
Timing Model
Ubiquitous M2M Service Networks
Emplyment/management of services/applications in a distributed home environment
Content Analysis & Networked Technologies towards Advanced and Tailored Assistance.
Electronic Protocols Application Software.
European Sensor Network Architecture.
Global GNU compiler collection.
Automatic Software Generation for Real-Time Embedded Systems.
The goal of NUADU (Celtic god of healing) is to explore the opportunities for providing 'healthcare
Semantic makes Middleware EASY.
Service-Oriented Device & Delivery Architectures
Support for Predictable Integration of mission Critical Embedded Systems.
Browsing Through Smart Objects Around You.
Optimizing hw-sw Co-design flow for software intensive systems
Trusted Security Platform.
Autonomic network for SOHO users. Pervasive computing for digital homes
Co-development with inner and Open source in Software Intensive products
Enabling Model Transformation-Based Cost Efficient Adaptive Multi-modal User Interfaces
Empowered NEtwoRk manaGement
High definition TV for Europe
Locale Mobile Services
Model driven approach to Real-Time Embedded System Developement
Open Source Infrastructure for Run-time Integration of Services
Networked Media for Sport production Workflow
Exploitation of advanced AV content protocols (MPEG 4/7)
Services for all, an implementation of the concept of Ambient Service Space
Software evolution, refactoring, improvement of operational and usable systems
Open platform as a global approach to security provision of places, locations and events
Service Ubiquity in Mobile and Wireless Realm
Trust For All
Agile software development of embedded systems
Ambient Ecologies
Multimodal multimedia personal information centre
News for mobile e-paper terminal
Allow seamless roaming between wireless networks while maintaining Quality of Service
Market Enabler for Retargetable COTS Components in Embedded Domain
Embedded Systems Engineering in Collaboration
Multimedia Application Gateways for Enterprise Level LANs
Smart Home - Payment Services(
Content Analysis and Networked DELivery Architectures towards Intelligent Video
COpy Protection System
FAct-based Maturity through Institutionalisation Lessons-learned and Involved Exploration of System-
Addressing the issues of matching the capabilities of the interactive digital broadcast industry for
LArge Scale COllaborative decision support Technology
Establishing a new business approach to wireless and mobility, with light-weight operators utilizing
Developing innovative concepts for technologies and products including multimodal interaction, adapt
Open Source Middleware for Open Systems in Europe
Security Applications and Technologies for Universal infoRmation Networks
Service Infrastructure for Real-time Embedded Networked Applications
Software Platform and component environment 4 you
Developing a simulator for scaleable, multi-granularity switching capable, and transparent, DWDM bac
Test & Testing Methodologies for Advanced Languages
Developing a CAD/CAM/CAE middleware and infrastructure based on standards and available as open sour
Adaptive Networks and Service
Evolution Management Process for Real-Time Embedded Software Systems
High Level System RT Application Development Environment for SMP & Clusters
Software Engineering Methodologies for Embedded Systems
Providing a system-level co-design methodology to unambiguously specify, simulate, test, prototype a
Developing a generic software platform for polyvalent remote technical support tool handling informa
Virtual/Augmented Content Cooperation for Automotive Technology
Context Aware Environment for Ambient Services
From Concept to Application in System-Family Engineering
Defining an architecture of a digital cinema infrastructure and developing systems & concepts
Embedded Electronic Architecture
Extending home network communications capabilities to include other networks and making these connec
KnowLedge InterMedia Technology
Platform for Open, Light, Legible & Efficient Network Services
Robust Open Component Based Software Architecture for Configurable Devices Project
Architecture and Tools to Deliver Adaptive Contents and Applications to Terminals
Design of advanced architecture for virtual private networks and assembly of a platform for advanced
System level develOpment Platform based on HeterOgeneous models and Concurrent LanguaEs for System a
Trusted European Security Infrastructure
Middleware platform for mobile terminals (smart phones, PDAs, laptops) supporting the mobility aspec
Advanced platforms and Technologies for the provision of communication Services
Broadcast & Internet Convergence
Beyond the GUI
Co-operative software design architecture based on augmented virtual objects
software Development Process for Real-Time Embedded software Systems
Digital cable network head-end: new architectures for multi-media interactive applications, supporti
Engineering Software Architectures, Processes and Platforms for System Families
End-User Resident Open Platform Architecture
Platform for Enhanced Provisioning of Terminal-independent Applications
Real-Time Internet Platform Architectures
Software Technology Atlas
Transaction value Added Services with Smart Cards
The Powerful Real Time UML
Middleware for Virtual Home Environments