Selection criteria for Project Outlines and Full Project Proposals
ITEA Project Outlines and Full Project Proposals will be evaluated and selected according to the following criteria:
- Rationale of the project:
- Are the general problem, solutions and challenges to be addressed clearly described?
- Do the proposed solution and challenges to be addressed fit in the scope of the ITEA programme?
- Market view:
- Is the current State-of-the-Art in the market (i.e. similar available solutions in the market, competitors, new legislation, alternative/disruptive technologies introduced recently) clearly described for the proposed solution?
- Does the proposed solution have a clear business impact?
- Is the market value chain clearly described and complete?
- Do the current partners have sufficient competences and access to the market to bring the solution successful to the market?
- Are the market opportunities, future potential products or services clearly documented for each partner?
- Technology view:
- Is the technological State-of-the-Art properly described? Is the described technological innovation of the project innovative enough in relation to the State-of-the-Art?
- Does the proposal document how the project relates to and/or builds on the results of, and differentiates from, other (completed or running) cooperative projects?
- Is there a description of a solution concept (high-level architecture) and is it indicated for each partner to which parts of this concept they will contribute?
- Is the added value of the cooperation of the different partners clearly explained?
- Is the technological value chain properly explained?
- Are the targeted achievements described in terms of expected outputs (what will be delivered) and quantified objectives (how well will the results perform)?
- Consortium(key players & cooperation added value):
- Is there enough R&D competence and business power in the consortium? Is the mix of partner types (i.e. large industrial players, SMEs and universities or research institutes) appropriate?
- Is the mix of countries in accordance with the EUREKA rules (see § 3.2)?
- Is the added value of each partner's contribution described and convincing?
- Does this consortium help the partners to achieve their goals (business and technological)?
- Rationale for funding:
- Is there a convincing rationale for each country why the partners need to be funded?
- Have the partners investigated the national policies and taken them into account?
- Work descriptions (only for FPP):
- Is the project structure (work packages and their interdependencies) clearly described?
- Is there an adequate project management plan?
- Are the milestones relevant?
- Is the total effort in line with the work and the objectives to be achieved?
- Is the effort of each partner in line with the work to be done?
- Writing quality
- Is the text of the proposal clear and easy to understand?
PO stage
For the PO evaluation, the main focus is on the following criteria:
- Market view & Technology view
- Consortium (key players & cooperation added value)
FPP stage
For the FPP evaluation, in addition to the PO stage criteria, the following should be taken into account:
- Work descriptions
NB: the different topics are expected to be explained in the FPP in a more detailed manner than in the PO >> the criteria explained above are applied in a more strict manner for the FPP.