Press releases
AIToC awarded for using AI to make manufacturing more efficient and effective
10 September 2024 - Manufacturing engineers face significant challenges in creating digital models for production systems due to the complexity of product variants, the need for customised tools, and the manual efforts required to overcome deficiencies in current product and production definitions. Using advanced AI, the ITEA project AIToC has created a set of tools that overcome these challenges. These tools help with planning processes, the creation of models of factories, and the design of better layouts for assembly stations, all of which make manufacturing more efficient and effective.
Inno4Health improves both patient care and athletic training
10 September 2024 - The rise in surgeries among the aging population and the need for precise athletic training both ask for continuous, data-driven monitoring. The ITEA project Inno4Health developed wearable sensors and AI technology to monitor patients' readiness for surgery, to optimise how athletes prepare for competitions and to help professionals remotely manage patients’ health after hospital discharge and identify risks for adverse events.
SMART project reduces traffic congestion and emissions for better urban living
10 September 2024 - Urban congestion affects citizens and the environment, causing pollution and accidents and reducing a city’s general liveability. However, real-time traffic awareness, adaptive traffic management and efficient algorithms and actuators for real-time traffic control have so far proved hard to achieve. By using advanced 4D spatial technology and real-time vehicle data analysis, the ITEA project SMART, which stands for Spatial Modelling Analytics and Real-time Tracking, enhances traffic efficiency and commuting in cities. These innovations in dynamic traffic control and geospatial visualisation reduce emissions and congestion by up to 15% and enhance urban quality of life.
ITEA announces new Chairman and Vice-chairman
22 April 2024 - We proudly announce that the ITEA Board has appointed a new Chairman and Vice-chairman, who will both formally start their positions at ITEA on 1 August 2024 and, until then, will prepare for their new tasks together with the current team. Dirk Elias, former Senior Vice President at Bosch and former ITEA Board member (2017-2024), will assume the role of ITEA Chairman and Régis Cazenave, General Manager Europe at S2 Grupo, will join him in this new chapter as ITEA Vice-chairman. This seamless transition will ensure our continued success while energising our mission and the Cluster under new leadership.
Bittium strengthens connection and becomes ITEA Board member
30 November 2023 - Since the beginning of ITEA 25 years ago, Finland has been a very strong and stable supporting country with nearly 120 ITEA projects and over 250 participating partners. To underline this position of Finland and to strengthen the ITEA Programme, the ITEA Board has unanimously welcomed Bittium as a new member. The ITEA Board membership will enable Bittium to play an important role in the industry-driven RD&I landscape of software innovation, which can also contribute to Bittium's international growth and a better go-to-market strategy in particular.
I²PANEMA’s IoT software solution optimises efficiency and sustainability in ports
13 September 2023 - Ports around the world face numerous challenges, from managing increased cargo demand to ensuring efficiency and sustainability in the face of urbanisation and labour management issues. The ITEA project I²PANEMA, comprising 17 partners from Germany, Spain and Türkiye, has integrated IoT solutions and new services for data handling in ports to enhance efficiency, sustainability and supply chain resilience in various port business cases. With a focus on data management and analysis, the project has achieved remarkable outcomes, including noise reduction, container localisation and logbook digitalisation. By leveraging IoT, I²PANEMA is revolutionising port operations.
IVVES project has developed methods for verification and validation of AI in strictly regulated domains
13 September 2023 - The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly increasing and in many domains, we experience the strong benefits of AI, including reduction in human error, 24/7 availability, unbiased decisions and faster decision-making. On the other side, more and more questions are raised concerning the use of AI on how to make sure it is safe and correct. This is especially the case for fields like transportation, finance, healthcare, industrial automation, and cyber security which are strictly regulated domains as a mistake can have huge consequences. The ITEA project IVVES has developed new verification and validation methods, ensuring the trustworthiness and reliability of AI and ML in these environments.
SAMUEL: making AM more consistent, reliable and trustworthy
13 September 2023 - Additive manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing in industrial production, is a rapidly progressing technology where digital designs are directly transformed into physical objects. AM opens the door to customised products, rapid prototyping and innovative production solutions. As demand for 3D printed parts grows, it is a challenge to balance certified manufacturing with cost reduction. Many actors in the field lack awareness of new advancements, whilst reconciling data collection and reuse with intellectual property protection is difficult. The ITEA project SAMUEL has created innovative solutions to help additive manufacturing users learn more and improve their work, thereby making the whole process more consistent, reliable and trustworthy.
CyberFactory#1 fosters the optimisation and resilience of the Factory of the Future
15 September 2022 - To enable the Factory of the Future, optimisation must be reconciled with security. The growing integration of Information Technology (IT) into Operational Technology (OT) exposes manufacturing systems to a growing number and diversity of threats. The ITEA project CyberFactory#1 has designed, developed, integrated and demonstrated a set of key enabling capabilities to foster the optimisation and resilience of the Factory of the Future (FoF). The impact is expected to reach around €150M additional revenues for the project partners and 450 extra jobs by 2025. CyberFactory#1, a project born within Industry 4.0, has been recognised as a pioneer of Industry 5.0 for its contributions to a more sustainable, human-centric and resilient industry.
IMPACT has made healthcare more efficient, accurate and cost-effective
15 September 2022 - Healthcare faces many challenges, including improving patient outcome and working more cost-effectively, while the demand is growing, staff capacity is declining, and new clinical and technological developments succeed each other quickly. The ITEA project IMPACT has addressed several challenges by leveraging the power of data and building on the preceding award-winning ITEA projects MEDIATE and BENEFIT to move towards intelligence-based healthcare. Data analysis for clinical business intelligence has been accelerated, reducing the time needed for data analysis to less than five minutes, compared to the days or weeks it previously took. IMPACT will continue to impact society and further enhance patient experience, improve population health, reduce costs and improve the work life of healthcare providers.
OPTIMUM offers greater efficiency, safety and usability in future smart factories
15 September 2022 - In today’s factories, machines such as cranes are typically operated manually using heterogeneous hardware. These are usually not interoperable and diverse control environments are in use; static machine configurations also make evolution hard to achieve. The ITEA project OPTIMUM enables machines of different kinds and from different manufacturers to communicate with each other and their operators, improving the worker's and equipment's safety. OPTIMUM's innovative assistance functions will significantly reduce assembly times in semi-autonomous processes; an 18% reduction was already achieved during a Proof of Concept. Users of the software and applications developed in the OPTIMUM project will have safer and more flexible material handling processes.
PANORAMA supports the shift to open source
15 September 2022 - In the automotive domain, many similar control units are used, but different organisations often use heterogeneous functional domains, hardware and teams. This complicates collaboration, while this is very important as many stakeholders are involved. The ITEA project PANORAMA has created an open-source meta-model and framework that promotes collaboration on software and hardware development using heterogenous tools and practices and without losing control of one’s own data. Clear benefits can be seen in maintainability (with a time reduction from 57 to 12 days), reliability (A grade for code quality from the industry standard SonarQube) and efficiency (reduction of local set-up of the installation and integration of several tools from eight hours to 0.8 hours). Having already built up a large open-source community worldwide, the project has a strong foundation to continue reducing the costs and increasing the quality of software development both now and in the future.
Canon Production Printing joins the ITEA Board
2 May 2022 - The ITEA Board unanimously welcomes Canon Production Printing Netherlands B.V. as a new member. As expert in the Digital Transition, Canon will strengthen the ITEA Board, ITEA Programme and ITEA's mission to create innovative solutions that master the Digital Transition and tackle the major challenges in a way that helps bring society forward. And ITEA's Board membership will enable Canon to strengthen its digital ambitions.
BIMy - an innovation engine for integrated BIM and GIS
15 September 2021 - BIMy learned how Building Information Modelling (BIM) can be used and exploited beyond its normal use, and how the integration of BIM and geographic information systems (GIS) can be improved. It created a shared space for digital representations of construction projects in their environments, enabling collaboration between multiple stakeholders within the Smart City domain and paving the road for new applications.
EMPHYSIS – the missing link between digital simulation and embedded software
15 September 2021 - EMPHYSIS delivered the new, global standard for smart industry, "eFMI standard" (embedded Functional Mock-up Interface), for digital model exchange among manufacturers. It accelerates the development of embedded software, with a focus on automotive industry, thanks to which up to 90% gains can be made in productivity. Another successful outcome is the official approval of a new Modelica Association project to further develop, standardise and promote eFMI.
'One patient, one team' approach for hospitals thanks to Barco-steered project 'PARTNER'
15 September 2021 - PARTNER developed an architecture allowing different systems to communicate with each other, to enable the creation of a unified overview of a patient’s status (including at home). This assists collaboration within hospitals and reduces costs while offering greater freedom and comfort to patients.
VMAP enhances interoperability in virtual engineering workflows
15 September 2021 - VMAP created a vendor-neutral standard for Computer-Aided Engineering data storage and transfer to enhance interoperability in virtual engineering workflows, increasing innovation speed by 50% and reducing setup time for virtual process chains by 40%. The VMAP Standard Community will be established to further disseminate the VMAP Standard and its development.
Eureka approves the new ECP and participation of ITEA 4 – strengthened collaboration for greater impact
Eindhoven, 24 June 2021 - The Eureka High Level Group approved the new Eureka Clusters Programme (ECP) and the participation of ITEA 4. The ECP, which will start on 1 July 2021, has been established to give the Eureka Clusters a new boost and to strengthen collaboration and dialogue with all stakeholders.
ITEA programme strengthened by new Board members Esri Canada and NXP Semiconductors Germany
Eindhoven, 14 December 2020 - We are very proud to welcome Esri Canada and NXP Semiconductors Germany as our newest Board members. Both already have strong involvement in ITEA and will support ITEA to continue to improve by sharing the best of our cultures and better covering the technology value chain.
A one-look overview of the city in 5 seconds
Eindhoven, 9 September 2020 - Cities nowadays are digitalising more and more services like data gathering for mobility, safety and communication to citizens. However, authorities still need to tackle information fragmentation caused by a lack of common platforms, toolsets and separated data per department. The ITEA project PS-CRIMSON delivers a platform that serves as a single-entry point for city representatives. A focus lays on the public safety and disaster management domains.
New forms of engagement in entertainment and society
Eindhoven, 9 September 2020 - Engagement and personalised experiences are becoming increasingly
important nowadays. To bring this engagement to a higher level, the ITEA project MOS2S has created
world-first ways
and media tools to engage citizens and audiences of live events and reality situations.
The next stage in virtual engineering and commissioning
Eindhoven, 9 September 2020 - Engineering is the most time-consuming aspect of innovation and products are increasing in complexity. The ITEA project ENTOC minimises the time and effort involved in engineering without compromising on reliability or integrity, by formalising specification requirements for production equipment and establishing standardised mechatronic component models.
Deep customer understanding, backed by data
Eindhoven, 9 September 2020 - Software providers increasingly need to focus on the optimisation of
their services, including the ability to react to customer preferences. Through its flexible
framework and algorithms, the ITEA project Flex4Apps, led by NXP, creates a full loop that allows
companies to offer more complex services while advancing the digital transition.
Jean-François Lavignon takes the baton from Philippe Letellier and becomes ITEA Vice-chairman
Eindhoven, 7 September 2020 - As of 1 September 2020, Mr. Jean-François Lavignon is the new ITEA Vice-chairman. He succeeds Philippe Letellier, who was the ITEA Vice-chair since 2008. For the last four years, Jean-François Lavignon has provided services to SMEs helping them to exploit technological innovation and has worked to develop the European High Performance Computing ecosystem.
ITEA presents the latest R&D innovations for cities at SCEWC 2019
ITEA took the opportunity at the Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) to showcase some of the latest innovations that address the challenges faced in the Smart Cities domain. This was a first for ITEA – reaching out beyond its own Community to an exhibition event and engaging with the wider Smart City environment. But it can also be regarded as a logical step for a platform dedicated to solving the challenges shared around the increasingly smart and urban world ...
ITEA at Smart City Expo World Congress 2019 - Bringing together innovation and customers
For the first time ever, ITEA will be participating in the Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC), which will take place from 19-21 November in Barcelona, bringing innovative solutions from 12 R&D projects to customers. This new step in ITEA’s customer-oriented approach will help ITEA projects to validate and promote their innovations to end users. It will also provide an opportunity for customers – in this case, city representatives – to learn more about the latest innovations that could solve their Smart City challenges. Win-win! ...
Impact from data for high-tech industry - Double award for ITEA project Reflexion
Amsterdam, 6 September 2019 - Yesterday, the TNO-led ITEA project Reflexion received the EUREKA award. The award recognises the impact of the project, the potential to strengthen competitiveness and the successful collaboration between SMEs and large companies. Earlier this week, the project was already rewarded with the ITEA Award of Excellence ...
Efficient system simulation enables future vehicle technologies
Amsterdam, 6 September 2019 - VIRTUAL VEHICLE receives ITEA Award of Excellence and Eureka Award for ACOSAR project. During the ITEA PO Days in Amsterdam, ACOSAR received an Award of Excellence for its outstanding project results. The award’s main criteria are degree of innovation, business impact and standardisation. On top of this distinction, ACOSAR was presented with an additional Eureka Award by Odilia Knap, Chairwoman of the Eureka Network during the subsequent Eureka Stakeholder Conference ...
Saab-led project OpenCPS wins ITEA Award of Excellence
Amsterdam, 4 September 2019 - On 3 September, ITEA Vice-chairman Philippe Letellier handed over the ITEA Award of Excellence to Magnus Eek, Senior Systems Engineer at Saab Aeronautics and project leader of the ITEA project OpenCPS. This award is given for the outstanding results the project partners achieved in terms of Innovation, Business Impact and Standardisation ...
A new Office Director for ITEA
Eindhoven, 2 September 2019 - Jan Jonker takes over the reins as the new ITEA Office Director on 1 September 2019. He succeeds Fopke Klok who has been leading the ITEA Office since 2007. Jan Jonker, who was born in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, has wide-ranging experience working on innovation projects in various positions and different domains including ICT, Health and Energy...
"Barco is at the heart of open innovation in Europe" and captures three awards at EUREKA Innovation Days
Kortrijk, Belgium, 29 May 2018 - Last week, Barco won three awards for its contribution in cross-border technology innovation projects. Barco received the awards at the EUREKA Innovation Days, which celebrates the high achievements and most innovative R&D projects in smart energy, industry, mobility and health ...
Cyberattacks in hospitals: how to save lives?
EUREKA Innovation Days, 24 May, Helsinki - Airbus CyberSecurity-led project FUSE-IT receives the ITEA Award of Excellence for Innovation during the EUREKA Innovation Days in Helsinki. FUSE-IT addressed the need for sustainable, reliable, user-friendly, efficient, safe and secure Building Management Systems in the context of Smart Critical Sites ...
Philips wins two awards for its impact on minimally invasive surgery
EUREKA Innovation Days, 23 May, Helsinki - Thanks to its significant impact, the MEDIATE project has won the prestigious 2018 EUREKA Innovation Award in the category 'Innovations of Tomorrow'. In addition, the MEDIATE project led to a follow-up ITEA project called BENEFIT, which will receive the 2018 ITEA Award of Excellence during the ITEA Event 2018, part of the EUREKA Innovation Days ...
ITEA event 2018
EUREKA Innovation Days, 22-24 May, Helsinki - This year, ITEA, the EUREKA Cluster on Software Innovation, lined up with the Finnish EUREKA Chairmanship team and all other EUREKA Clusters, and co-located its annual ITEA Event on 24 May with the EUREKA Innovation Days 2018 (22-24 May) in Helsinki. The EUREKA Innovation Days were all about 'the power of collaboration' ...
ITEA 2 project ADAX wins EUREKA Innovation Award 2017
EUREKA Innovation Week, 15-19 May, Barcelona - For the second year in a row, an ITEA project has won one of the three prestigious EUREKA Innovation Awards. This year, ITEA 2 project ADAX won the EUREKA Innovation Award 2017 in the category 'Competitiveness' during the EUREKA Innovation week. ADAX aimed at developing advanced capabilities for cyber-Attack Detection And Countermeasures Simulation ...
Digital Innovation Forum 2017
"Digitisation is transforming every industry, and digital solutions will enable industrialisation and personalisation of care." Keynote speaker Henk van Houten, Chief Technology Officer of Royal Philips, summed up the importance of the digital innovation that lay at the heart of the Digital Innovation Forum (DIF), jointly organised by ARTEMIS Industry Association and the EUREKA Cluster ITEA ...
ITEA 2 project DIAMONDS wins EUREKA Innovation Award 2016
EUREKA Innovation Week, 26-29 April, Stockholm - ITEA 2 project DIAMONDS won the prestigious EUREKA Innovation Award 2016 in the category 'Added Value' and the Project Pitch Prize during the EUREKA Innovation week. DIAMONDS project leader Ina Schieferdecker received the award from Per Tervahauta, Chairman of the EUREKA High Level Group ...
ITEA event 2016
EUREKA Innovation Week, 26-29 April, Stockholm - ITEA, the EUREKA Cluster on Software-intensive Systems and Services, held its ITEA Event 2016 on 28 April 2016 at the Stockholm City Conference Centre in Sweden, as part of the EUREKA Innovation Week 2016. Organised by the Swedish EUREKA Chair, the overarching theme of the week was: Smart Cities - Sustainable and Attractive Communities ...
New Chairwoman for ITEA 3
As of 1 February 2016, Ms. Zeynep Sarilar is the new ITEA Chairwoman. She is the successor to Rudolf Haggenmüller who has been at the helm since 2005. On her future as chair of the ITEA Board, Zeynep Sarilar stated: "ITEA is the place for Software Innovation and Software Innovation addresses the global market. My ambition is to make ITEA more global and to support our countries and companies in mastering the Digital Challenges." ...
Smart industry: the impact of software innovation
Co-summit 2015, 10-11 March, Berlin - The future of smart manufacturing and the impact of software innovation in Smart Industry, or Industrie 4.0., provided the theme of the Co-summit in Berlin, organised by ITEA - the EUREKA Cluster on Software-intensive Systems and Services - and by the ARTEMIS Industry Association on Embedded & Cyber-Physical Systems ...
ITEA ARTEMIS-IA high-level vision 2030 officially presented to EC Vice-President Neelie Kroes
On 13 March, Neelie Kroes, Vice-president of the European Commission, welcomed a delegation representing industry in the ARTEMIS Industry Association and the EUREKA Cluster ITEA. The leaders of the delegation, Heinrich Daembkes, President of the ARTEMIS Industry Association, and Rudolf Haggenmüller, Chairman of ITEA, officially presented the ITEA ARTEMIS-IA high-level vision 2030 ...
A call to action to double investment for the benefit of society and industry
ITEA ARTEMIS-IA HIGH LEVEL VISION 2030: Opportunities for Europe - There is a wide consensus that from now to 2030 change and disruption will be permanent features in society, with the way of living and doing business becoming fundamentally different from what it is today. Digital Technology has a major role to play in mastering the changes in Europe ...
Software innovation: boosting high-tech employment and industry
Co-summit 2013 - 4 & 5 December, Stockholm - In his opening speech at the Co-summit organised by ARTEMIS and ITEA in Stockholm, Daniel Johansson, State Secretary to the Swedish Minister for Enterprise, Energy and Communications, underlined the significance of the impact that ARTEMIS and ITEA projects had on today's software industry and on society ...
Sharing a vision for ICT innovation
Co-summit 2012 - 30 & 31 October, Paris - The visionary architectural landscape of La Defense, bathed in morning sunlight and casting a stunning futuristic backdrop to this fifth Co-Summit, perfectly complemented this year's theme of the event. ITEA and ARTEMIS reflected their common ambitions through an exhibition floor of fascinating projects, inspiring keynote speakers and challenging debates ...
EUREKA labels ITEA 3 Cluster - defining a next level of innovation
EUREKA labelled ITEA 3 as the successor to ITEA 2 at its High Level Group meeting in Budapest, Hungary on 20 June. The new Cluster offers an even more dynamic approach to co-operative European research on software-intensive systems and services in a time when change will be the norm ...
Cross-border cooperation for clean technologies
ITEA & ARTEMIS Co-summit, 25-26 October, Helsinki - Some 650 R&D actors and policy makers from industry, research organisations, academia and public authorities participated in the fourth European Co-summit organised by ITEA 2 - the EUREKA software-intensive systems and services Cluster - and the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking (JU) on embedded software ...
Turkcell Technology joins the ITEA 2 Board
Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 30 May - The ITEA 2 Board has unanimously welcomed Turkcell Technology, as a new member. This membership will help to strengthen the ITEA 2 programme further and, at the same time, give Turkcell Technology the opportunity to play a significant role in the European industry-driven research & development (R&D) landscape ...
12 Years of ITEA - achievements & results of the EUREKA programmes ITEA & ITEA 2
ITEA, the EUREKA Cluster on software-intensive systems and services has been an outstanding success as testified by the new '12 years of ITEA: Achievements & results of the EUREKA programmes ITEA and ITEA 2' book just published ...