Eindhoven, 14 December 2020
ITEA programme strengthened by new Board members Esri Canada and NXP Semiconductors Germany
ITEA is a strong worldwide network, created by and for its Community members and always looking for new ways to strengthen this. Since 2014, ITEA 3 Call 1, Canada has been active in ITEA with a strong participation ever since. As Jiang Chen, the Canadian ITEA Public Authority representative stated in our latest ITEA Magazine: "ITEA has been a particular focus for Canada due to its industry-driven, bottom-up approach with trusted and engaged innovation actors coupled with effective processes. This generates valuable networks and projects with commercial and social impacts. ITEA has become one of the preferred channels we leverage to help Canadian companies to access global value chains." Recently, this mutual commitment was cemented in the shape of Esri Canada, one of the pearls of the thriving Canadian ICT Community, that joined the ITEA Board on 10 September.
Esri Canada
Esri Canada is a private Canadian-owned company founded in 1984 that provides world-class enterprise geographic information system (GIS) solutions. Headquartered in Toronto, they have 16 offices across the country serving 12,000+ customers.
They deliver geospatial solutions based on ArcGIS, the world’s leading GIS software. Their solutions empower people in business, government and education to make informed and timely decisions by leveraging the power of mapping and spatial analytics — The Science of Where.
Esri Canada believes location intelligence unlocks data’s potential in every organisation. By integrating and analysing data through the lens of location, they offer better solutions for achieving sustainability.
Esri Canada’s first participation directly contributed to the ITEA Award of Excellence 2020 for the PS-CRIMSON project. Currently they are leading the ITEA SMART project, which was launched earlier this year.
Building stronger international research networks that enable collaboration and sharing of information is essential for our planet. Digital geography is a paradigm shift for integrating information by location. I look forward to cooperating with my European colleagues to address the big issues of our time including public safety, harmonised mobility and climate change. Canada and Europe will both benefit immensely from sharing the best of our cultures and advance both of our societies.
- Alex Miller, President Esri Canada
Esri Canada has been involved in ITEA projects and presented their dedication to create impact via innovative research projects. ITEA has an ambition not only in innovation in technology but also in international cooperation. Therefore, I am very enthusiastic to announce Esri Canada as an ITEA Board member. The ITEA Board is stronger and more impactful with Esri Canada."
- Zeynep Sarılar, ITEA Chairwoman

NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH
Germany has had a strong involvement in ITEA from day one. In ITEA’s latest Call Germany is even the #3 contributor in terms of effort. To intensify this valuable partnership and to strengthen the ITEA programme even further, the ITEA Board has unanimously welcomed NXP Semiconductors Germany as a new member. During the ITEA Board meeting of 27 November, Daniel Weyl, Vice President Software &D at NXP Semiconductors and Zeynep Sarılar, ITEA Chairwoman, officially signed the Deed of Accession.
NXP Semiconductors is a global semiconductor company creating solutions that enable secure connections and infrastructure for a smarter world. NXP focuses on research, development and innovation in its target markets. NXP designs purpose-built, rigorously tested technologies that enable devices to sense, think, connect and act intelligently to improve people's daily lives. They target markets like Automotive, Industrial & IoT, Mobile, Smart City, Smart Home and Communication Infrastructure.
NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH itself also has a strong involvement in ITEA. They recently led the ITEA Award of Excellence 2020 winning project Flex4Apps and are involved in three running ITEA projects and one labelled AI Call project and in four submitted Project Outlines for ITEA 3 Call 7.
I am very pleased to join the ITEA Board because software is getting more and more important in the semiconductor world where NXP is the leading company in Europe. Our presence on the Board will allow us to build a further symbiosis of the hardware/software cooperation. It will also allow ITEA to further strengthen the vertical value chains in which it is already active. NXP is indeed already involved in the ITEA programs and partnerships for many years with 80 projects in different European NXP sites, such as France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. It is a strategic trend in NXP to further develop from hardware to hardware/software solution provider, therefore ITEA will be a key platform to support Europe's and NXP's strategy. Software is a major part of value creation in micro processing, executed in European NXP sites, including also Czech Republic and Romania. Therefore, NXP would like to listen, learn, support, connect, influence the ITEA program.
- Daniel Weyl, Vice President Software R&D at NXP Semiconductors
ITEA aims to deliver game-changing solutions through software innovation to improve quality of life and to create economic growth through strong business cases. NXP has been actively involved in ITEA projects and now NXP takes a strong role to present its ambition on software innovation by joining the ITEA Board. The ITEA Board is now stronger to cover the technology value chain.
- Zeynep Sarılar, ITEA Chairwoman

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For interview requests, questions and additional information about ITEA, please contact: Linda van den
Borne-Toupet: linda.van.den.borne@itea3.org
About ITEA
ITEA is a transnational and industry-driven R&D&I programme in the domain of software innovation. ITEA
is a EUREKA Cluster programme, enabling a global and knowledgeable Community of large industry, SMEs, start-ups,
academia and customer organisations, to collaborate in funded projects that turn innovative ideas into new
businesses, jobs, economic growth and benefits for society.
About Esri Canada
Founded in 1984, Esri Canada provides geographic information system (GIS) solutions that empower people in
business, government and education to make informed and timely decisions by leveraging the power of mapping and
spatial analytics.
About NXP
NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NASDAQ: NXPI) enables secure connections for a smarter world, advancing solutions that
make lives easier, better, and safer. As the world leader in secure connectivity solutions for embedded
applications, NXP is driving innovation in the automotive, industrial & IoT, mobile, and communication
infrastructure markets. Built on more than 60 years of combined experience and expertise, the company has
approximately 29,000 employees in more than 30 countries and posted revenue of $8.88 billion in 2019.