Dementia Watch System
Project description
Memory disorders and dementia result in a progressive deterioration of cognitive and functional abilities and interfere with social and occupational functioning. There is a great need for solutions to assist the care by supporting early diagnosis, prolonging independent living, exercising memory, monitoring for safety and supporting memory functions. Also, there is a growing demand for memory training applications for active people who are worried about losing their mental edge. The goal of the project is to assist people with slight and moderate memory disorders by creating assistive indoor and outdoor technology to support everyday life and thus boost dependent living and inclusion. The target user group is persons with memory disorders, their family carers, formal caregivers, members of rehabilitation staff and clinicians. The outcome is expected to produce new applications that allow for long-term assistive solutions with an unprecedented awareness of the user’s needs and intentions, and rehabilitation solutions which are both efficient and fun to use.

Project publications
- DEMWatch Project results leaflet Project Leaflet 13 December 2016 Download
- DEMWatch Exploitable results Exploitable Results 01 September 2016 Download
Work package documents
- DEMWatch - State of the Art Overview of mobile technologies enabling support of Alzheimer's patients Work package document 11 February 2015