Find below a list of all active and finished ITEA projects
REtail using Technology based on Artificial InteLLigence
Intelligent Digital Twin Platform for Climate-Neutral Data Centres
Deep4Sat43: Geo-AI Ecosystem for tree (43) health inspection and early warning.
Holistic Federated AI Development for Mixed-Reality Applications in Europe
Intelligent Workflow optimization and Intuitive System interaction in Healthcare
AI For AgriFood Supply Chain
Cognitively Smart Assistant in Phygital Environment
FERtigation Irrigation DEcision Support System
Intelligent Interoperable Digital Twins
Managing Sustainability Tradeoffs
Improved efficiency in automated medical reporting to enhance doctor and patient experience
Optimal Logistics Operation & Analysis Data Space
PRocedure Optimization and data-driven eFficiency Improvement in healthcare environmenTs.
Security of Critical Infrastructure by Multi-Modal Dynamic Sensing and AI
Software product line Optimization for Safety-/mission-critical Industrial Systems