ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
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Project overview

Find below a list of all active and finished ITEA projects

Country: Türkiye
ITEA Call 2022
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Secure situational awareness for critical cyber-physical systems

ITEA Call 2022
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Open reference architecture for engineering model spaces

ITEA Call 2022
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Transforming Healthcare Through Semantic Interoperability & Patient Self-Efficacy

ITEA Call 2021
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Developing AI ecosystems improving diagnosis and care of mental diseases

ITEA Call 2021
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Environment Adaptive Recommendation System

ITEA Call 2021
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EXPAI SmartIndustry

Integrating AI into smart control systems, and increasing productivity for industrial areas

ITEA Call 2021
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Secure Open Collaboration Framework powered by Artificial Intelligence

ITEA Call 2021
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Eco-system for disease specific clinical workflow and data integration

ITEA Call 2021
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Timeline-Driven Digital Twin

ITEA Call 2021
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Proactive protection against phishing-based ransomware

AI Call 2020
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Energy Efficient Heterogeneous AI-Framework for Smart Mobile and Embedded Systems

AI Call 2020
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Smart Platform for Robot Management and Coordination with AI powered Cloud

ITEA 3 Call 7
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Automation, Surgery Support and Intuitive 3D visualization to optimize workflow in IGT SysTems

ITEA 3 Call 7
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Encrypted Network Traffic Analysis for Cyber Security

ITEA 3 Call 7
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Healthcare Knowledge Discovery

133 results on 9 pages