ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation

ITEA Challenge

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Smart Engineering Smart Engineering


Engineering – smart engineering – is indispensable to the constantly evolving systems, products and applications we build. The lifecycle of engineering systems and software is expanding with more and more stakeholders, more roles in development, deployment, manufacturing and operations, extending further back into design and further forward into operations. We need to bridge the gaps in the lifecycle with solutions in analytics, business with a social objective, agility and scalability. We must also be aware of the growing tendency of the blurring border between data and engineering that is due to behaviour data dependent systems. Simulation and software engineering provide cost-effective, time-reducing options. The open source business model complements other business models that coexist to sustain the tools and services market as a promising way to disseminate and exploit results, provided the ecosystem is sufficiently structured and sustained. We need smart engineering solutions to remain globally competitive by continuously improving performance, reducing costs and boosting quality, security and safety in a value chain that is becoming ever more complex.

Some facts and figures

  • Today, high-end cars can have more than 10 million lines of code, and aircraft engine controls incorporate several thousand input and output parameters. [22]
  • The security of a software-intensive system is directly related to the quality of its software. Over 90% of software security incidents are caused by attackers exploiting known software defects. Analysis of 45 e-business applications showed that 70% of security defects were design defects. [23]
  • The take-up of agile development methods over recent years has seen an increase in success rates compared with traditional waterfall projects, with 39% successful projects (against 11% for waterfall) and fewer outright failures (9% against 29%). [24]
  • According to Gartner, open source relational database management systems (OSDBMSs) have matured significantly over the years. They predict that by 2018, more than 70% of new in-house applications will be developed on an OSDBMS and that 50% of existing commercial relational database management system instances will have been converted or will be in process. [25]

Imagine …

Imagine being the master of software development and continuously improving the efficiency, knowing we can forecast the user needs on the basis of his present pain points. Imagine a team of developers from different countries working cooperatively 24/7 creating substantial software with continuous integration that allows automatic testing every day and deployment in the hand of the end users and getting immediate feedback from these end users every week. Being able to continuously adapt the specifications on the basis of actual user feedback. A secure, resilient world of engineering that enables the engineer to concentrate on the engineering challenge without worrying about the operational issues of using the various engineering tools and the interfaces between them.

Imagine what is possible when we dare to dream, when we reach for the stars in a galaxy full of opportunities …


[22] Smart Products, Smart Engineering Solutions. Article by Bernard Dion, ANSYS Advantage - V6 I3, 2012.
[23] Software Engineering Institute: Research outline.SEI, last visited September 2017.
[24] Standish Group 2015 Chaos Report - Q&A with Jennifer Lynch. An article by S. Hastie & S. Wojewoda on, 4 October 2015.
[25] The State of Open Source RDBMS, 2015. Gartner, Donald Feinberg and Merv Adrian, April 21, 2015.

Projects related to the challenge Smart Engineering

ITEA Call 2023
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Engineering Large Foundational Models for Enterprise Integration

ITEA Call 2023
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Generative AI for the Software Development Life Cycle

ITEA Call 2023
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GreenCode: AI/ML Driven Software Optimisation to Reduce Cost and Climate Impact

ITEA Call 2023
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Monitoring and Analytics for the whole Lifecycle, on Models, Hardware, and Software

ITEA Call 2023
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Valid generative design for 3D printing

AI Call 2021
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Holistic Federated AI Development for Mixed-Reality Applications in Europe

ITEA Call 2022
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Managing Sustainability Tradeoffs

ITEA Call 2022
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Open standards for SCALable virtual engineerING and operation

ITEA Call 2022
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Software product line Optimization for Safety-/mission-critical Industrial Systems

ITEA Call 2022
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Open reference architecture for engineering model spaces

ITEA Call 2021
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Generating and Deploying Lightweight, Secure and Zero-overhead Software for Multipurpose IoT Devices

AI Call 2020
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AI training using Simulated Instruments for Machine Optimization and Verification

AI Call 2020
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Energy Efficient Heterogeneous AI-Framework for Smart Mobile and Embedded Systems

ITEA 3 Call 7
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Innovating Sales and Planning of Complex Industrial Products Exploiting Artificial Intelligence

ITEA 3 Call 7
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Automated Quality Assurance and Optimization in Incremental Industrial Software Systems Development

ITEA 3 Call 6
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Winner ITEA Award of Excellence Business impact 2024
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Artificial Intelligence supported Tool Chain in Manufacturing Engineering

ITEA 3 Call 6
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Compact modelling of high-tech systems for health management and optimization along the supply chain

ITEA 3 Call 6
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Design Exploration Framework based on AI for froNt-loaded Engineering

ITEA 3 Call 6
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Multi-method workspace for highly scalable production lines

ITEA 3 Call 6
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Unleash Potentials in Simulation

ITEA 3 Call 6
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VMAP analytics

Smart Analytics for Multi-Scale Material and Manufacturing Modelling

ITEA 3 Call 5
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Blended Modelling for Enhanced Software and Systems Engineering

ITEA 3 Call 5
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Environment for model-based rigorous adaptive co-design and operation of CPS

ITEA 3 Call 5
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Winner ITEA Award of Excellence Innovation 2023
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Industrial-grade Verification and Validation of Evolving Systems

ITEA 3 Call 5
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Operational eXcellence by Integrating Learned information into AcTionable Expertise

ITEA 3 Call 4
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Winner ITEA Award of Excellence Standardisation 2022
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Boosting Design Efficiency for Heterogeneous³ Systems

ITEA 3 Call 4
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Visual diagnosis for DevOps software development

ITEA 3 Call 4
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eXcellence In Variant Testing

ITEA 3 Call 3
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Cost-Efficient Smart System Software Synthesis

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Profiling and Analysis Platform Using Deep Learning

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Smart Prognosis of Energy with Allocation of Resources

ITEA 3 Call 3
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The Next Level of Test Automation

ITEA 3 Call 2
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Winner ITEA Award of Excellence Special Vice-chairman's award 2021
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EMPHYSIS – Embedded systems with physical models in the production code software

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Winner ITEA Award of Excellence Innovation 2020
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Engineering Tool Chain for Efficient and Iterative Development of Smart Factories

ITEA 3 Call 2
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Winner ITEA Award of Excellence Impact and Exploitation 2020
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Platform for Application and Infrastructure Flexibility in Cyber-Physical Systems

ITEA 3 Call 2
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Round-trip Engineering and Variability Management Platform and Process

ITEA 3 Call 1
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Winner ITEA Award of Excellence Standardisation 2019
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Advanced Co-simulation Open System ARchitecture

ITEA 3 Call 1
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Measuring Software Engineering

ITEA 3 Call 1
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Winner ITEA Award of Excellence Innovation, Business impact and Standardisation 2019
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Open Cyber-Physical System Model-Driven Certified Development

ITEA 3 Call 1
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Winner ITEA Award of Excellence Special recognition award 2019
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React to Effects Fast by Learning, Evaluation, and eXtracted InformatiON

ITEA 2 Call 8
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Enabling of Results from AMALTHEA and others for Transfer into Application and building a Community

ITEA 2 Call 8
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The COncurrency and LOcality Challenge

ITEA 2 Call 8
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Integrated & Distributed Engineering Services framework for MDO

ITEA 2 Call 8
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Text & Model-Synchronized Document Engineering Platform

ITEA 2 Call 7
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Framework for Indoor and Outdoor Navigation Assistance

ITEA 2 Call 7
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MAssive Calculations on Hybrid systems

ITEA 2 Call 7
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Automated Self-Protection and Self-Healing Software Solutions

ITEA 2 Call 7
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SCALing softwARE: Supporting Industry in Managing Software Scalability

ITEA 2 Call 6
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Empathic Products

ITEA 2 Call 6
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Multi-Concerns Interactions System Engineering

ITEA 2 Call 6
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Model Driven Physical Systems Operation

ITEA 2 Call 6
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Processes Models for Engineering of Embedded Systems

ITEA 2 Call 6
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Social Internet of things: Apps by and for the Crowd

ITEA 2 Call 5
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Advanced Test Automation for Complex and Highly-Configurable Software-intensive Systems

ITEA 2 Call 5
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Creating evolution capable cooperating applications in industrial automation

ITEA 2 Call 5
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Many-core programming and resource management for high-performance Embedded Systems

ITEA 2 Call 5
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Single European Open Mobile Services Area

ITEA 2 Call 5
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Web of Objects

Web of Objects

ITEA 2 Call 4
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Model Based Open Source Development Environment for Automotive Multi Core Systems

ITEA 2 Call 4
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Development and Industrial Application of Multi-Domain Security Testing Technologies

ITEA 2 Call 4
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Winner ITEA Award of Excellence Business impact 2016
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ITEA 2 Call 4
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Interoperable Sensor Networks

ITEA 2 Call 4
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Timing Model - TOols, algorithms, languages, methodology, USE cases

ITEA 2 Call 3
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Winner Appreciation Award 2013
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Open Platform for the Engineering of Embedded Systems

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Open Model-Driven Whole-Product Development and Simulation Environment

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Winner ITEA Award of Excellence Standardisation 2013
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User interface eXtensible Mark-up Language

ITEA 2 Call 3
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VERification-oriented & component-based model Driven Engineering for real-time embedded systems

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Visual Context Modelling

ITEA 2 Call 2
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Evolutionary validation, verification and certification

ITEA 2 Call 2
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Global Energy Optimisation for Distributed heterogeneous Embedded Systems

ITEA 2 Call 2
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IT supporting execution of innovative projects

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Winner Achievement Awards Silver 2012
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From System Modeling to S/W running on the Vehicle

ITEA 2 Call 2
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Open Source Ambient Intelligence Commons

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Productivity in Collaborative Systems Development

ITEA 2 Call 2
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Services Management by Semantic

ITEA 2 Call 1
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Systems modelling and simulation

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Deployment of Model-Based Technologies to Industrial Testing

ITEA 2 Call 1
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EASY Interactions

EASY Interactions

ITEA 2 Call 1
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Embedded Software Product-based ASSurance

ITEA 2 Call 1
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European Leadership in System Modeling and Simulation through advanced Modelica Libraries

ITEA 2 Call 1
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Flexible Global Product Development and Integration

ITEA 2 Call 1
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Large scale distributed INDexation of multimedia Objects

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Model-driven development of highly configurable embedded Software-intensive Systems

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Winner Achievement Awards Gold 2010
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Parallel Programming for Multi-core Architectures

ITEA 2 Call 1
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Timing Model

ITEA 1 Call 3
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Winner Achievement Awards 2004
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Embedded Electronic Architecture