ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
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Project overview

Find below a list of all active and finished ITEA projects

Country: Netherlands
ITEA 2 Call 2
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Embedded Decision and Data Fusion for Medical Intervention Support

ITEA 2 Call 2
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Global Energy Optimisation for Distributed heterogeneous Embedded Systems

ITEA 2 Call 2
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High Performance image Processing

ITEA 2 Call 2
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Winner Achievement Awards Silver 2011
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Global standards among real and virtual worlds

ITEA 2 Call 1
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Systems modelling and simulation

ITEA 2 Call 1
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Ambient Intelligence for the Elderly

ITEA 2 Call 1
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EASY Interactions

EASY Interactions

ITEA 2 Call 1
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Model-driven development of highly configurable embedded Software-intensive Systems

ITEA 2 Call 1
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Timing Model

ITEA 1 Call 8
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Content Analysis & Networked Technologies towards Advanced and Tailored Assistance.

ITEA 1 Call 8
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Winner Achievement Awards Silver 2009
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Electronic Protocols Application Software.

ITEA 1 Call 8
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The goal of NUADU (Celtic god of healing) is to explore the opportunities for providing 'healthcare

ITEA 1 Call 8
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Winner Achievement Awards Gold 2009
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Browsing Through Smart Objects Around You.

ITEA 1 Call 8
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Optimizing hw-sw Co-design flow for software intensive systems

ITEA 1 Call 7
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Co-development with inner and Open source in Software Intensive products

136 results on 10 pages