ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
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Project overview

Find below a list of all active and finished ITEA projects

Country: Netherlands
ITEA 1 Call 5
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Content Analysis and Networked DELivery Architectures towards Intelligent Video

ITEA 1 Call 5
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COpy Protection System

ITEA 1 Call 5
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FAct-based Maturity through Institutionalisation Lessons-learned and Involved Exploration of System-

ITEA 1 Call 5
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Jules Verne

Addressing the issues of matching the capabilities of the interactive digital broadcast industry for

ITEA 1 Call 5
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Mobilizing the Internet

Establishing a new business approach to wireless and mobility, with light-weight operators utilizing

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Nomadic Media

Developing innovative concepts for technologies and products including multimodal interaction, adapt

ITEA 1 Call 5
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Open Source Middleware for Open Systems in Europe

ITEA 1 Call 5
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Software Platform and component environment 4 you

ITEA 1 Call 5
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Winner Achievement Awards 2005
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Test & Testing Methodologies for Advanced Languages

ITEA 1 Call 4
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Adaptive Networks and Service

ITEA 1 Call 4
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Evolution Management Process for Real-Time Embedded Software Systems

ITEA 1 Call 4
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Software Engineering Methodologies for Embedded Systems

ITEA 1 Call 4
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Virtual/Augmented Content Cooperation for Automotive Technology

ITEA 1 Call 3
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Winner Achievement Awards 2003
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Context Aware Environment for Ambient Services

ITEA 1 Call 3
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From Concept to Application in System-Family Engineering

137 results on 10 pages