ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
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Project overview

Find below a list of all active and finished ITEA projects

Country: Netherlands
ITEA 2 Call 7
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MAssive Calculations on Hybrid systems

ITEA 2 Call 7
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Automated Self-Protection and Self-Healing Software Solutions

ITEA 2 Call 7
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Winner ITEA Award of Excellence Innovation & Business impact 2017
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System of Real-Time Systems

ITEA 2 Call 6
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Empathic Products

ITEA 2 Call 6
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Federated Security Shield

ITEA 2 Call 6
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Winner ITEA Award of Excellence SME Success 2017
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My Mobile and Smart Health Care Assistant

ITEA 2 Call 6
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Processes Models for Engineering of Embedded Systems

ITEA 2 Call 6
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Open Proofs Methodology for the European Train Control Onboard System

ITEA 2 Call 5
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Creating evolution capable cooperating applications in industrial automation

ITEA 2 Call 5
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Many-core programming and resource management for high-performance Embedded Systems

ITEA 2 Call 5
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Medical Distributed Utilization of Services & Applications

ITEA 2 Call 4
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Winner ITEA Award of Excellence Business impact and Standardisation 2015
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Patient Friendly Medical Intervention

ITEA 2 Call 3
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Cooperative Advanced REsearch for Medical Efficiency

ITEA 2 Call 3
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A Guardian Angel for the Extended Home Environment

ITEA 2 Call 3
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Visual Context Modelling

136 results on 10 pages