ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation

Kick-off of the Eureka Clusters Programme

On 15 October the Clusters Committee (CC) and Public Authorities Committee (PAC) had their very first meeting to kick-off the Eureka Clusters Programme (ECP), the new Eureka instrument that was approved last June. The kick-off meeting was received with clear enthusiasm from its stakeholders from both Industry and Public Authorities.

All Eureka countries are invited to join the PAC and this will increase the interest from various countries within the network. Already in ITEA 3 Call 7 there is interest from Singapore for the first time and Italy is back in one of the ITEA proposals after a long time.

In the CC, each Cluster is represented by three Board members and the main purpose of this new committee is to create a common understanding of urgent challenges arising from the Communities of the Clusters.

In addition to the CC and PAC, the CC Support Group (CC-SG) and the PAC Support Group (PAC-SG) have been established. The CC SG is a combination of representatives of Cluster Committee companies and Cluster Offices. The main purpose of these groups is to prepare the content for the Multi Annual Plan (MAP) and the Annual Operating Plan (AOP). The first version of these documents will include the Rules and Regulations for the Joint Calls of the ECP, for which potential subjects were discussed in the kick-off meeting. Additionally, each Cluster will present its plans for the next four years in terms of vision, technology and finance as well as announce the plan for its annual bottom-up Calls for this period. With the approval of these documents, Clusters that provide the necessary documentation will be authorised to operate for four years with an evaluation every two years. And this will be the beginning of ITEA 4 too. Meanwhile, PAC SG will gather national priorities and potential interest to finance ECP Joint Calls and annual bottom-up Cluster Calls for the next four years to be declared in the MAP and AOP.

This very first Multi Annual Plan and Annual Operating Plan will enlighten the way forward for the Eureka Clusters. We are looking forward to that with a great enthusiasm!

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