University of Rostock
Research at the University of Rostock means successful interdisciplinary cooperation in various scientific fields. Side by side with the two Fraunhofer institutes, the Max-Planck-Institute of Demographic Research, the Leibnitz Institutes and the Research Institute for the Biology of Farm Animals, Rostock’s Alma Mater is the centre of a fruitful research environment. It offers an excellent research climate to its researchers and junior researchers in all fields, from humanities to natural sciences and engineering or life sciences.
The high research activity results into a great variety of projects in local, national and international networks.
The Institute of Applied Microelectronics and Computer Engineering (IMD) belongs to the Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. The expertise of the institute covers all aspects in the design and verification of embedded and cyber-physical systems including distributed embedded systems, resource constrained embedded systems and Internet-of-Things (IoT), and Service-oriented architectures and Embedded Web Services. IMD participated and participates in 6 ITEA projects (SIRENA, LOMS, OSAMI, uService, openETCS, BaaS). IMD received the ITEA achievement awards for the extraordinary research quality and breakthrough results gathered in ITEA projects SIRENA and LOMS.
(Submitted and approved by Frank Golatowski on 17-06-2015)
- Type
- University
- Country
- Germany
- Website
Project participation
Generating and Deploying Lightweight, Secure and Zero-overhead Software for Multipurpose IoT Devices
Intelligent IoT-based Port Artefacts Communication, Administration & Maintenance
Boosting Design Efficiency for Heterogeneous³ Systems
OPTimised Industrial IoT and Distributed Control Platform for Manufacturing and Material Handling