ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation


Country information

18 partners
10 projects

Colette John-Grant

Innosuisse, Swiss Innovation Agency
+41 58 464 9143

Extra information
Swiss funding conditions for projects applying to Innosuisse from 1.1.2024 onward:

A Swiss research partner collaborating in a consortium must involve a Swiss company (SME or large company).

A Swiss company (SME or large company) collaborating in a consortium must include a research partner.
The research partner can be either from Switzerland or a partner country.

A Swiss start-up* participating as the sole Swiss partner in an international consortium is eligible.
Innosuisse covers a maximum of 70% of the total project costs of the Swiss participants.

Direct project funding:

- Start-ups* and SMEs up to 50%
- Large companies up to 25%
- Swiss research partners up to 100%

* Swiss start-ups prior to market-entry (same criteria as innosuisse start-up innovation projects) and that only collaborate with foreign companies can receive up to 70%