Find below a list of all active and finished ITEA projects
Open standards for SCALable virtual engineerING and operation
Environment for model-based rigorous adaptive co-design and operation of CPS
Addressing opportunities and threats for the Factory of the Future (FoF)
Profiling and Analysis Platform Using Deep Learning
Intelligent Perception System for Autonomous Vehicles
EMPHYSIS – Embedded systems with physical models in the production code software
High Integrity RPAS by Innovative Software Engineering
Personal dAta pRotection FrAmework for IoT
Round-trip Engineering and Variability Management Platform and Process
Advanced Co-simulation Open System ARchitecture
Affordable Safe & Secure Mobility Evolution
Enhanced Affective Wellbeing based on Emotion Technologies for adapting IoT spaces
Measuring Software Engineering
Medical care evolution
Open Cyber-Physical System Model-Driven Certified Development