Find here the overview of the Success stories
Businesses are currently having to deal with a data set that is more than they can handle. Today’s necessity is not the usage of data analytics, it is the utilisation of combined technologies in which data analytics are executed to make sense out of the data. The scope of the project is to build a universal model for data analytics using Deep Learning on a proposed set of technologies including HPDA environment that fit best to the data provided.
CyberFactory#1 aims at designing, developing, integrating and demonstrating a set of key enabling capabilities to foster optimisation and resilience of the Factories of the Future (FoF). It will address the needs of pilots from Transportation, Automotive, Electronics and Machine manufacturing industries around use cases such as statistical process control, real time asset tracking, distributed manufacturing and collaborative robotics. It will also propose preventive and reactive capabilities to address security and safety concerns to FoF like blended cyber-physical threats, manufacturing data theft or adversarial machine learning.
PIANiSM aims at putting together predictive and prescriptive maintenance techniques to achieve an end-to-end automated manufacturing process and optimise end-to-end manufacturing value chains. To disrupt traditional maintenance processes in manufacturing environments, a sophisticated system is required that covers a wide range of domains such as data science, machine learning, analytics, simulation and real-time processing. PIANiSM will provide related missing analytics techniques and algorithms, introduce new generation of data identification & integration and modelling processes, and try to develop standards to enable more flexible and applicable solutions for manufacturers.
The major goal of the project was to develop a new standard - eFMI®: Functional Mock-up Interface for embedded systems - to exchange physics-based models between modeling and simulation environments with software development environments for electronic control units (ECU), micro controllers or other embedded systems and develop prototype implementations for the whole toolchain from physics-based modeling environments to production code on electronic control units. Enabling advanced control and diagnosis functions based on physics models allows the production code in automotive vehicles to be enhanced and the cost and time for the software development of embedded systems to be reduced.
Due to the very limited resources provided by Internet-of-Things (IoT) nodes, today’s commonly used design approach to trade off development time with software efficiency is not competitive any longer. Therefore, an industry-wide effort is needed to provide measures for fast and efficient IoT software development. The main goal of the COMPACT project is to provide novel solutions for the application-specific and customer-oriented realisation of ultra-small IoT nodes with a focus on software generation for IoT nodes with ultra-small memory footprints and ultralow power consumption.
Nowadays, quality software has come to mean “easy to adapt” because of the constant pressure to change. Consequently, modern software teams seek a delicate balance between two opposing forces: striving for reliability and striving for agility. The TESTOMAT project will support software teams to strike the right balance by increasing the development speed without sacrificing quality. The project will ultimately result in a Test Automation Improvement Model, which will define key improvement areas in test automation, with the focus on measurable improvement steps.
The PARTNER project offers solutions to support the optimal patient journey for chronic diseases through the health system for appropriate personalised care. Data and information collection will be continuous, seamless and patient-centric. Extension of data collection beyond the walls of hospitals will enhance the capture of the full depth of patient data to more accurately reflect their states of wellness and health. Fast collaborative workflows of interpreted and harmonised data representations will increase the productivity of the caregivers and better justify the patient-centric decisions.
Currently, the exchange of local material information in a Computer-aided engineering (CAE) software workflow is not standardised and raises a lot of manual and case-by-case implementation efforts and costs. For a holistic design of manufacturing processes and product functionality, the knowledge of the detailed and local material behaviour is required. The project VMAP therefore aims to gain a common understanding and interoperable definitions for virtual material models in CAE and to establish an open and vendor-neutral ‘Material Data Exchange Interface Standard’ community which will carry on the standardisation efforts into the future.
Interoperability, along with security and privacy of personal data, are the two most important limitations for the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) market. Interoperability increases the complexity of service production processes and the cost of production. Lack of security and trust for the protection of privacy puts a barrier between service providers and consumers. To solve these issues, PARFAIT aims to develop a platform for protecting personal data in IoT applications and to reduce the complexity of integrating and deploying services in today’s IoT technology by providing interoperable software libraries, tools and SDK elements.
STARLIT will develop technologies in radiation oncology to improve the quality of life for cancer survivors by improving treatment accuracy and minimising unintended doses to healthy tissue in image-guided radiation therapy. This will be done by using magnetic resonance imaging for 4D anatomy assessment to enable on-line treatment planning, real-time 4D dose accumulation, target tracking, and plan adaptation based on concurrent imaging of anatomy and biomarkers.
Software-Intensive Systems and Services (SIS) require more agile, round-trip engineering processes that better leverage legacy assets, and more systematic and automated variability management. REVaMP² has conceived, developed and evaluated the first comprehensive automation toolchain and associated process to support the round-trip engineering of SIS Product Lines, enabling the profitable engineering of mass-customised products and services across many different domains.
SPEAR aims to develop a flexible optimization platform that helps to improve a broad spectrum of industrial production processes in terms of energy-related aspects. Hence, a focus within the project is the energy optimization of plants’ production processes, production lines and (industrial) buildings. The platform will be used to optimize the energy consumption of existing and new production plants, and the method will be applicable to both virtual commissioning as well as running production systems.