ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
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SETLabs Research GmbH

In cooperation with the parent company Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH and its academic and industrial partners, SETLabs Research conducts applied research in the areas of software-intensive systems, system simulation and application-specific SW/HW integration. Here, SETLabs builds in particular on the implications from the eight-year COMET research program "K2 Digital Mobility" of its parent company Virtual Vehicle, whose range of research fields extends from automated vehicles to safety, functionality, and data usage to innovative prototype testing.

The focus of SETLabs' activities is on the development of co-simulation. Current projects are particularly concerned with verifiability and traceability in virtual development to raise the quality of virtual development to a level that enables virtual release and homologation processes. In addition, a self-developed co-simulation platform of the parent company is also available to SETLabs. This platform is called ICOS (Independent Co-Simulation) and is offered and distributed worldwide with a distribution partner. In this way, results of innovative research projects can be transferred to industrial applications. Due to the local proximity to the German partners, the mentioned services can be offered, processed and utilized locally.

In addition, access to a partner network (> 500) of academic and industrial partners in the automotive and railroad sectors enables knowledge transfer in two industries. New technologies and standards can be applied and thus introduced in pre-development areas of companies within the framework of cooperative research projects.

Research Institute
Alt Germany


Project participation

ITEA Call 2023
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Valid generative design for 3D printing

ITEA 3 Call 6
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Unleash Potentials in Simulation