HASE & IGEL GmbH is a pioneer in AI-empowered predictive analytics from bevahioral data. We monitor, analyse and predict the behavior of consumers and companies based on 1st, 2nd and 3rd party data. Our special expertise is the integration of input from many different, diverse sources including relatively unstructured data, and the automation of analysis & prediction using machine learning techniques such as NLP and image recognition. For our clients we develop problem- and customer-specific SaaS-solutions to leverage the predictive power of Big Data & AI for data-driven processes in domains such as marketing, communications, purchasing or trading. Headquartered in Oldenburg (Northern Germany), HASE & IGEL was founded in 2018 by data-driven expert Jan Schoenmakers and the buisness consultancy Comes. We are proud to serve over 70 clients across various industries, ranging from Startups and NGOs to some of the world's biggest corporations.

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- Small and Medium sized Enterprise
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