A spin-off of CEA (French Nuclear Research Agency), HAPTION benefits from results and know-how developed in more than 30 years of research. HAPTION designs, manufactures and sells haptic devices with professional quality, suited to the needs of its customers, both industrial and academic.
A haptic interface is a computer device, which enables its user to interact with a software application or with a virtual object through the sense of touch. It consists in an articulated mechanical structure with motors and position sensors, as well as embedded electronics. The user holds the end-point of the structure in his hand, and can move it around, both in the real and in the virtual world on the computer screen. Whenever his virtual hand makes contact with a digital object, a force value is sent to the motors, which simulate a real contact.
Our products provide force-feedback on all 6 degrees-of-freedom (translations and rotations). Only 6-dof force-feedback enables realistic interaction between 3D objects.
Haption is a founding member of EuroVR, the European Association for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. Jerome Perret, Managing Director of Haption, is leading the Special Interest Group on Haptics (Haptic SIG) within EuroVR.
Haption is also a member of AFRV, the French association of Virtual Reality, and LVRC (Laval Virtual Reality Capital), the technology cluster of Laval dedicated to Virtual Reality and its applications.

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- Small and Medium sized Enterprise
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Project participation

Patient Friendly Medical Intervention