Bogazici University
Center for Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeSci) of Boğaziçi University:
The center (BULifeSci) was established in 2009 at the Kandilli Campus, which rests on approximately 7500m2, comprising two units 1- Research and Innovation, 2- Deep Tech Facility, the former comprising a Polymer Pilot Production Facility and an Advanced Genomic Analysis Unit. Furthermore, a biorefinery is in the pipeline within the scope of Istanbul Microalgae Biotechnologies Research and Development Unit. The latter unit is focused on accelerating research/development activities of SMEs active in the Life Sciences domain, with a focus on specific cutting-edge technologies and high value-added products. BULifeSci has 3 centers, which are: In-vivo Medical Device Development Unit, Test Analysis Unit and Experimental Animal Production and Care Unit/Vivarium.
1) In-vivo Medical Device Development Unit: Activities related to the production of prototypes of microsystem-based medical devices used/implanted in human body. Not only the design and development of devices are carried out in the clean room but also the manufacturing tasks are implemented in this room (such as new generation endovascular catheters, guide wires and smart sensors implanted in the body, electrical stimuli and in-body systems that release drugs in a controlled manner only, when necessary, can be provided). In Vivo Medical Device Development Unit provides its users with an infrastructure that will not only mechanically assemble endovascular catheters consisting of plastic and metal units from basic materials, but also integrate optical, electronic, and mechanical microsystems into these catheters.
2) Test-Analysis Unit: In the unit, microscopic, biological, and rheological tests of biocompatible materials are carried out (from impurity and metabolic analyzes of drugs to physical and chemical characterization of biosimilar products). Studies are carried out on the purification and analysis of drug active ingredients and nano drugs. These substances are also tested on cells in vitro. Pharmacokinetic tests and toxicity studies are also implemented in this center. The analyses on body fluids and organs obtained from the experiments are also realized in this unit.
3) Experimental Animal Production and Care Unit/Vivarium: Vivarium is built on approximately 450 m2 closed area. In the center, mice, rats, rabbits and zebra fish are reproduced and tended. There is ‘individually ventilated cage systems’ (IVC) in the center. Both IVC and reverse osmosis systems were first implemented in Turkey at the Vivarium of BULifeSci. Many research activities such as hemogram, blood biochemistry, metabolic tests, ultrasonographic examination, in vivo imaging (IVIS), microsurgical procedures (catheterization, onostomoses, etc.), specific injections (intravitreal, intraneural, etc.), tumor cultivation are carried out in this center. Additionally, veterinary diagnosis/treatment services, small interventions, biochemical examinations, and surgical operations are also provided at this center.
Additionally, the Center contains leading many multiple labs. The center has been also focusing on university-industry cooperation since its inauguration. Major regional projects carried out within this context are “Inovita, Life Sciences and Technologies Istanbul Collaboration Platform” and “Inovita Health Technologies Hatching Center” which are supported by the Istanbul Development Agency, “Life Sciences and Technologies University-Industry Researcher Training Program” and “ISEK – Health Industry Cluster of Istanbul”, backed by the Turkish Ministry of Development. Through the Inovita projects, the Center has taken on the function of an interface between university, industry and state. Therefore, the center established strong links with the life sciences industry and ecosystem, such as Life Sector Cluster (ISEK). ISEK brings together more than 180 life sciences companies, more than 15 NGO’s, more than 17 labs from different universities and various governmental institutions. The main focus of ISEK (which is currently operated under the body of Technopark Istanbul) is the regional development of the national health technology industry in collaboration with other sector clusters. The cluster has been funded by Industry and Technology, Clustering Support Program between 2017 and 2022 with the coordination of Technopark Istanbul. The planning activities are within the scope of work packages; Biodesign&Innovation Program Activities, University-Industry Collaboration, Pilot Manufacturing Plant, Sectoral Database, Accredited Test Laboratories, Corporate Capacity Building.

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Attack Detection And Countermeasures Simulation