ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
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Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (INPT)

Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse is a French federation of 3 Higher Engineering Schools (“Grandes Ecoles” - ENSAT, ENSEEIHT, ENSIACET) providing education/continuous education and conducting research in the fields of Agronomy, Chemical Sciences, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Computer Sciences, Telecommunications, Chemical Engineering… The Institute awards about 600 Engineers diploma and 100 PhD per year. A thousand researchers and research students work within 14 research units, most of which are associated with the CNRS or with the INRA organisations.

INP is involved in several international programs (54 cooperation agreements, more than 700 student exchanges), including European Education ones (Erasmus, Tempus, Leonardo, Human Capital and Mobility/TMR …). Industrial partnership is widely developed and encouraged within INP (10 Million Euro worth collaborative research contracts per year), and technology transfer is a priority (creation of SME's, licensing policy, about 120 French patents filed by INP or industrial partners, 40+ INP international patents,…). 24 R&D projects have been performed under the Fifth framework program with 4 million Euros of financial support from the European Commission.

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Project participation

ITEA 2 Call 6
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Open Proofs Methodology for the European Train Control Onboard System

ITEA 2 Call 3
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Winner Appreciation Award 2013
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Open Platform for the Engineering of Embedded Systems

ITEA 2 Call 1
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Embedded Software Product-based ASSurance

ITEA 1 Call 8
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Automatic Software Generation for Real-Time Embedded Systems.