Sorbonne Université
Laboratory of Computer Sciences, Paris 6 (Labortoire d'informatique de Paris 6 or LIP6 for short) was created in January, 1997 after the merger of the three Computer Science laboratories (LAFORIA, LITP and MASI) of the Université Pierre et Marie Curie. With 550 professionals under its wing, it is today one of the most important centres of Computer Science in France. As a department of CNRS (UMR 7606), it is also linked to the INS2I Department (Institut des sciences de l'information et de leurs interactions)
LIP6 has a very large spectrum of research activities: network, distributed systems, databases, software reliability and verification, model-driven engineering, simulation and distributed programming, numerical computation and symbolic computation, softwares for research on Computer Sciences and aid to decision, symbolic methods and proofs, artificial life, entity and the society of robots.
LIP6 has a whole range of methods for development and dissemination of research findings. These include more than 450 publications annually, ten patents applied in the last three (or five / six years), 20 software programmes distributed free or under a commercial licence, a variety of platforms for exchange of ideas, prototype, etc. With the support from the Department of Industrial Relations and Technology Transfer (of the Université Pierre et Marie Curie), seven enterprises have been formed till now.
The laboratory is also actively involved in research-oriented courses through seven Masters of the Ecole Doctorale d'Informatique Télécommunication et Electronique de Paris (EDITE).
The researchers at LIP6 participate in a numerous research projects, both at the national and the international level (ANR, FUI, IST, ITEA, ESPRIT, EUREKA, MEDEA, etc.). They - being the force behind numerous editorial committees, conferences, welcome of foreign researchers, etc. - are the most important actors. In short, LIP6 symbolises the symbiosis of relation with the industry and academic collaboration with universities and research centres (like INRIA).
(Extracted from www.lip6.com, edited and approved by Bendraou Reda on 2013-01-29)

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Project participation

Enhanced Affective Wellbeing based on Emotion Technologies for adapting IoT spaces