The IKERLAN Technology research centre is a private non-profit making entity with a public service vocation, created in 1974 at the initiative of a group of companies and entities which today form part of the MONDRAGON Corporation.
It is a reference centre for the innovation and comprehensive development of mechatronic and energy products. It also actively innovates in design and production processes. IKERLAN has over 38 years of experience in combining and applying mechanics, electronics, computing, microtechnology and fuel cell technologies.
With a staff of over 200 people and a turnover of 21,8 million euros, IKERLAN offers its clients R+D services spanning the entire innovation cycle, from the idea or concept to the industrialisation stage.
IKERLAN is a collaborating member of Mondragón Unibertsitatea and a member of IK4 Research Alliance. It is also a member of the Basque Science and Technology Network, Innobasque.
It is a reference centre for the innovation and comprehensive development of mechatronic and energy products. It also actively innovates in design and production processes. IKERLAN has over 38 years of experience in combining and applying mechanics, electronics, computing, microtechnology and fuel cell technologies.
With a staff of over 200 people and a turnover of 21,8 million euros, IKERLAN offers its clients R+D services spanning the entire innovation cycle, from the idea or concept to the industrialisation stage.
IKERLAN is a collaborating member of Mondragón Unibertsitatea and a member of IK4 Research Alliance. It is also a member of the Basque Science and Technology Network, Innobasque.

- Type
- Research Institute
- Country
- Website
Project participation
ITEA 1 Call 8

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