Institut for Automation und Kommunication (IFAK)
The Institut für Automation und Kommunikation Magdeburg (ifak) is an independent research institute. The institute carries out applied research in the fields of process control and automation technology, industrial communication, measurement and sensor technology, information management for automation and environmental systems, mechatronics and traffic and transport telematics. In around 75 projects annually, ranging from feasibility studies to complex development projects, ifak is a partner to industry, research organizations and the local authority.
According to the non-profit character of the institute, ifak is especially involved in precompetitive co-operative projects for which research funding can be obtained at European, federal and state level as well as from business organisations. The institute's national and international network of co-operation is complemented by its active participation in diverse expertise committees. Recognition as an associated institute of the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg stresses the scientific character of ifak. Nearly 80% of the more than 50 staff of the interdisciplinary ifak team are scientists.
(Extracted from www.ifak.eu, edited and approved by Ralf Messerschmidt on 2013-01-29)

- Type
- Research Institute
- Country
- Website
Project participation

Innovating Sales and Planning of Complex Industrial Products Exploiting Artificial Intelligence

Automated Quality Assurance and Optimization in Incremental Industrial Software Systems Development

Artificial Intelligence supported Tool Chain in Manufacturing Engineering

OPTimised Industrial IoT and Distributed Control Platform for Manufacturing and Material Handling

Engineering Tool Chain for Efficient and Iterative Development of Smart Factories

Enabling of Results from AMALTHEA and others for Transfer into Application and building a Community

Test methodology for virtual commissioning based on behaviour simulation of production systems

Model Based Open Source Development Environment for Automotive Multi Core Systems