ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
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UNIT Information Technologies R&D Ltd.

UNIT Information Technologies R&D has been working in the Model-Driven Software Development, Software Product Line Engineering, Multi-model Consistency Checking, Structural Model Verification & Bounded Model Analysis, Static and Dynamic Program Verification and Formal Requirement Specification in the context of Software and System Engineering. As one of the active companies in these field in Turkey, we also lead and participate in several national and international funded projects. UNIT has accomplished many enterprise projects for Turkey’s leading companies including business process automation, document management and project management system for large scale industrial companies. We have a competent and experienced R&D team including academic consultants, post-doctoral and PhD researchers, senior developers, all dedicated to conduct research and develop novel systems, which can fulfil R&D tasks of the projects. 

One of the running projects is ITEA2-ModelWriter project in which UNIT has the role of project coordinator. The objective of this project is to develop an integrated authoring environment for Technical Authors (such as Software or Systems Engineers, System Analysts, etc.) which combine a Semantic Word Processor (= the "Writer" part), looking like a usual word processor but capable to "understand" pieces of text and transparently create models of contents out of them; and a Knowledge Capture Tool (= the "Model" part), looking like familiar information modelling tools such as UML, ReqIF, etc. ModelWriter will allow Technical Authors to freely move bi-directionally and interactively between text and model to enhance the quality (consistency and completeness) of the technical documents. UNIT is also the leader of a technical work package in the project which proposes a model-to-model Transformation Framework that supports the synchronization mechanisms for the “Model” part of the platform. 

Another project is ITEA3-ASSUME project in which UNIT has the role of the coordinator of Turkish Consortium and a work package leadership. The main goal of the project is affordable, standard-compliant development and verification of highly automated, safety relevant, and performance critical mobility systems. A strong focus is on development methods for concurrent systems and static verification techniques. UNIT will lead a team who is responsible for the development of low overhead concurrency error detectors that can be used for bug detection and debugging within the Eclipse platform. 


(Submitted and approved by Ferhat Erata on 2015-05-29)

Small and Medium sized Enterprise
Alt Türkiye

Project participation

ITEA 3 Call 6
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Artificial Intelligence supported Tool Chain in Manufacturing Engineering

ITEA 3 Call 5
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Blended Modelling for Enhanced Software and Systems Engineering

ITEA 3 Call 4
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Winner ITEA Award of Excellence Standardisation 2022
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Boosting Design Efficiency for Heterogeneous³ Systems

ITEA 3 Call 4
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eXcellence In Variant Testing

ITEA 3 Call 1
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Affordable Safe & Secure Mobility Evolution

ITEA 2 Call 8
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Text & Model-Synchronized Document Engineering Platform