ITEA Magazine 48 - July 2024
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Zeynep Sarılar
Dear ITEA Community,
When there is a lot of joy and satisfaction in what we do at work or in life, years pass quickly and memories stay fresh. This is exactly how I feel about my experience in ITEA since 2004. It has been a great pleasure to be a member, taking on many different roles within the ITEA Community.
Looking back, there are many good reasons for my dedication to ITEA and its Community, and the articles in this magazine represent these reasons well. Software innovation thrives in an open and flexible environment. As challenges and conditions change rapidly, RD&I must adapt quickly. In the article focusing on Finland and Bittium, you can learn how ITEA became a strong instrument for international collaboration. The ITEA Community has a culture of open communication that makes collaboration in projects very simple, effective, and fruitful. Examples of this can be found in the Equality and Diversity article and the Community Talk.
Read moreCountry Focus
Software enabled digital transformation
Digitalisation is top-of-mind in Finnish policy. Intelligent future connectivity (5G/6G), combined with robust data economy and key technologies like AI, cybersecurity and quantum technologies, have a pivotal role in ensuring Finnish technological leadership. Janne Järvinen, Mission Lead for Digitalisation at Business Finland explains Finland's software vision and how it shapes the future.
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Where R&D is fundamental to business impact
Bittium is a high-tech company specialising in tactical and secure communications, engineering services and medical technologies. First established in 1985 as Elektrobit, Bittium followed a number of evolutionary stages and now has offices in Finland, Germany and the USA, employing around 500 people. Jari Partanen, Head of Quality and Research, sketches a potted history.
Read moreUpcoming events

PO Days 2024
& Exhibition
10-12 September 2024, Antwerp, BE
Spark the next ground-breaking innovation!
Event reports

ITEA Topical roadshow 2024
Your voice, your topics, inspiring the ITEA Community

Global Innovation Summit 2024
Building bridges for global challenges
Other highlights

Labelled ITEA Call 2023 projects
Strong focus on Healthcare and generative AI

End user happiness
VMAP analytics
Energy-saving furnace control enhances sustainability and quality in the steel industry

Inclusivity and diversity driving innovation in the ITEA Community
Insights from the VMAP project

ITEA news
AIToC showcases its innovations in project videos

ITEA news
B3 Systems reduces costs and waste thanks to advanced predictive maintenance

Eureka news
Funding opportunities in Lithuania