MobiquiThings is a Machine to Machine dedicated mobile operator aiming at becoming the referent Machine to Machine connectivity service provider across the world. A multi-operator and multi-network coverage enables industrial players of all domains to grasp the M2M opportunity enhancing their business relevance and efficiency.
Leveraging a state-of-the-art M2M dedicated Mobile Core Network infrastructure (in a full MVNO fashion), and an optimized back-end and front-end IT system, MobiquiThings will take M2M connectivity to a level of unmatched coverage (international and cross-boarder), Quality of Service, service TCO, and flexibility.
Thanks to it_s Dynamic Network Attachment capabilities and it_s tailored information system, MobiquiThings_ value proposition is threefold:
- Optimized Radio coverage and data QoS across geographies thanks to versatile multi-operator SIM Cards
- Optimized M2M service Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
- Device/machine Life Cycle management through ad_hoc device and service delivery platform
(Extracted from FPP of SITAC, approved by Cyril Hullin on 2013-01-29)

- Type
- Small and Medium sized Enterprise
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- Website