Swid is a private held company and has been launched as a spin-off of Orange. Its field of expertise is Internet security leveraging identity federation and access control advanced mechanisms.
Strong focus has been put on activities related to Télécom Bretagne innovative OrBAC model (Organisation Based Access Control). In particular, Swid has been asked to lead the release of MotOrBAC software as an Open Source Project. This software is a Télécom Bretagne innovative administration tool which aims at designing, implementing and enforcing complex security policies. MotOrBAC is now under active development and support.
Rewarded by the French Ministry of Research and Technology (Oséo-Anvar) prize for its work on AJAX intrusion testing tools, Swid is also involved in securing advanced Web applications, especially back-end operational Web services. Thanks to its internally developed sets of testing tools, its acknowledged expertise and its research activities on intrusion detection, Swid can cover and secure a wide range of Internet/Intranet distributed hardware and software architectures.
(Extracted from FPP of ROLE-ID, edited and approved by Stephane Morucci on 2013-01-31)

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