ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
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University of Twente

Human Media Interaction (HMI) Group, which is part of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS: at the University of Twente (, is active in multimodal interaction, interactive 3D environments, multimedia access and presentation, language and speech processing, and ambient intelligence. HMI has participated in large European projects on multi-modal and multi-party interaction (EU FP5 M4 and two EU FP6 Ips, AMI and AMIDA). HMI has participated in numerous national and EU research projects on multimedia retrieval such as the EU FP4 projects OLIVE, POP-EYE and TWENTYONE, the IST projects ECHO, MUMIS, MESH and MediaCampaign. HMI group has frequently worked together with companies and is involved in a number of networks of excellence, among which are also the FP6 Networks of Excellence Humaine (affect in the interface) and Intuition (virtual reality and virtual environments applications).
Alt The Netherlands


Project participation

ITEA Call 2022
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Improved efficiency in automated medical reporting to enhance doctor and patient experience

ITEA 3 Call 1
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Affordable Safe & Secure Mobility Evolution

ITEA 2 Call 3
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A Guardian Angel for the Extended Home Environment

ITEA 2 Call 2
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Global Energy Optimisation for Distributed heterogeneous Embedded Systems

ITEA 2 Call 2
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Winner Achievement Awards Silver 2011
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Global standards among real and virtual worlds

ITEA 1 Call 6
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Allow seamless roaming between wireless networks while maintaining Quality of Service

ITEA 1 Call 4
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Virtual/Augmented Content Cooperation for Automotive Technology