Hilversum is becoming a Smart City thanks to partners of the ITEA 3 project PS-CRIMSON
The municipality of Hilversum is becoming a Smart City, creating a safer, smarter and more productive environment with sensors and high-quality technology, based on the data-driven platform MyCity from Atos. IT company Atos will cooperate on this project with its PS-CRIMSON partners ViNotion, Esri and Sorama. VodafoneZiggo, Sustainder and Dynniq are also part of the consortium.
The cooperation will address future-oriented social challenges such as mobility, sustainability and safety, in a way that respects privacy. Following a tender, the consortium was commissioned to develop a Smart City Hilversum based on Atos' MyCity: a platform that brings the available data from citizens, government and business together in one place.
Through a virtual and physical ‘Smart City Lab’, residents of Hilversum can also contribute to smart solutions during information meetings, workshops and inspiration sessions, to improve the quality of life in their municipality.

A step towards the future
Hilversum is taking an important step towards the future. "In 2020, more than 90 percent of citizens worldwide are expected to live in cities," says Jan Joost van Kan, Principal Architect of Atos MyCity. "Making cities more liveable with the help of new technologies and data is therefore crucial. We are very pleased we are going to make Hilversum even smarter and more liveable, together with our partners. This is not so much a project with a start and end point, but a continuous process of improvement. What we do here is also applicable in other municipalities, making the development of other smart cities more attractive and accessible.”
In addition to Atos, the consortium consists of six parties with diverse expertise that make it possible to offer a total package for Smart City Hilversum:
- With the ArcGIS platform, Esri provides the basis for bringing together and analysing (real-time) data about the living environment. Residents, social organisations and employees of the municipality can easily gain more insight into all sorts of themes, such as safety and climate, with the help of specific tools. They can also start initiatives for their street, neighborhood or city to tackle a local issue together. ArcGIS offers a platform where users can add apps, interactive maps and dashboards themselves.
- Dynniq provides traffic engineering and smart mobility solutions that provide insight into and optimising traffic flows. The data that Dynniq collects about traffic flows is shared with the Smart City platform, making use of the open and standardised Talking Traffic ecosystem. Dynniq is a technical service provider that provides integrated solutions in the areas of mobility, parking and energy.
- Sorama specialises in placing sound cameras in public spaces that, among other things, map nightlife safety and noise levels, monitor traffic and detect accidents.
- Sustainder supplies smart lighting and smart city solutions, so that street lighting has more functions than just providing light and becomes more sustainable.
- ViNotion develops software for video image interpretation based on machine learning and deep learning. Their solutions automatically identify people and traffic with a camera in real-time and arranges them in a pedestrian, cyclist or vehicle category. Their measurement systems offer insight into traffic flow, behavior of road users and safety.
VodafoneZiggo takes care of the telecommunication by providing the network and connections.These parties join forces on the MyCity platform of Atos.
The ITEA 3 PS-CRIMSON (Public Safety and Crisis Management Service Orchestration) project makes use of their expertise focusing on a key challenge faced by city operators, municipalities and political decision makers: the fragmentation of information into silo-oriented closed systems and organisation models. The project aims to deliver an integrated 3D digital model and information platform that facilitates information collection, sharing, management, analysis and dissemination from diverse public and private urban infrastructures and resources.
The PS-CRIMSON project achievements and their benefits for cities were also presented during the Smart City Expo World Congress 2019 in Barcelona. The ITEA pavilion contained 12 project booths, each providing a reply for many Smart City challenges.
Source Atos
More info
PS-CRIMSON website
Smart City Hilversum website
Related projects
Public Safety and Crisis Management Service Orchestration