Celebrating 25 years of international collaboration in software innovation

2023 marks the 25th anniversary for ITEA, the Eureka Cluster fostering international software innovation. Over this period, the ITEA Community has grown to over 2000 unique project partners from large industry, SMEs, universities and research institutes in 35 countries worldwide, creating strong impact and changing businesses and lives every day.
Greater than the sum of its parts
Since its beginning in 1998, ITEA has provided a trusted environment for international collaboration, in which project partners come together and make it happen! The ITEA Community is known for its incredible enthusiasm and power to innovate and to create economical and societal impact and happiness together. Each type of organisation contributes to this success in its own way:
- SMEs have the innovation power; they can quickly develop and commercialise new ideas.
- Larger organisations create an innovation ecosystem that provides broad market access and the potential of rapid commercial exploitation.
- Universities and research institutes are important founders of new ideas that can be developed into products and services. They also advance the State-of-the-Art which boosts the education of the future scientific and engineering community.
- Public Authorities support organisations in their country to participate in international ITEA RD&I projects, allowing them to develop, grow and expand in new technologies and markets both nationally and internationally. PAs catalyse the creation of ITEA projects, resulting in new businesses, jobs, economic growth and benefits for society.
- ITEA Bodies define the strategy of ITEA, assure the quality of the programme, support and coach the project participants in getting the most out of their participation.
Let's celebrate this unique collaboration
Participating in an ITEA project or ITEA Body often not only results in creating impact, but also in making new long-lasting partnerships and friends along the way. Throughout this festive year, we will be celebrating this strong and unique collaboration, so stay tuned!