ITEA Magazine 31 - November 2018
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Fopke Klok
20 Years of happiness and team spirit... captured in 7 minutesMany of you attended our PO Days event in Stockholm on 4-5 September. At the end of the first day we had a short ceremony to celebrate our 20-year anniversary, which included a 7-minute video with testimonials* of many different members of our Community. The common message that came out of this is clear: ITEA is important for its Community and it is in the heart of many of its members. Personally, I found it heart-warming to watch it with the audience of close to 300 people with spontaneous applause at the end.
Country Focus

20 years ITEA
Double interview with Ronald Begeer and Maria de Álvaro Torán
The changing of the guard in the ITEA Steering Group