Join one of the new ITEA project ideas for ITEA Call 2021
During the Online ITEA PO Days 2021, 45 new project ideas were presented and consortiums already started to take form. Today, several project idea leaders are still looking for specific partners and/or expertise to complete their consortium. Below you will find an overview of all requests. If you are interested in joining one of these ITEA Call 2021 project ideas, you can email the project idea leader directly by clicking the 'Send email' button below the project idea.
Miguel Aires - Livedrive, Portugal
Partners requested
- Great producers of OBD/CAN Bus based Light Duty Vehicles’ (LDV) data loggers
- Medium to large Fleet Management Solutions providers
Expertise requested
- CAN Bus / OBD experts
- IMU (Inertial Movement Units) experts
Gökhan Koç - TAV Technologies, Turkey
Partners requested
- Small or Large technology providers for Aviation Ecosystem or innovative telemetry solutions
- Airports in European Airfield
E6: LG DigiT
Coşkun Dolanbay - BİTES Aerospace and Defence Inc., Turkey
Partners requested
- SME, Large Industry, Universities especially from Germany, France, Spain, Netherlands, Finland
Expertise requested
- Industrial use case provider
- Domain specific language design and development
- SaaS application developer
- Digital twin tool developer
21020: SOCFAI
Gökhan Koç - TAV Technologies, Turkey
Partners requested
- Airports from Portugal, Netherlands, UK
- Small or large technology providers for Aviation Ecosystem