First Annual Operational Plan approved
We are very pleased to announce that the first Annual Operational Plan (AOP) of the ECP was approved by the Eureka High Level Group during the NP/HLG Days in Estoril on 20-21 June. The AOP is part of the four years Multi-Annual Plan (MAP) of the ECP, providing a detailed overview of the Calls, including support by countries, planned for the upcoming 12 months.

The Annual Operating Plan (AOP) defines the areas for which (Joint) Calls will be organised each year and, in addition to the funding, Public Authorities, industry, research organisations and academia are willing to invest in. This AOP will run from July 2022 to June 2023. For all joint Eureka Clusters Calls, the ECP processes detailed in the MAP are followed.
This year’s AOP includes an overview and schedule of the single Cluster bottom-up Calls per Eureka Cluster that are planned, including the budget commitments per Eureka country. Furthermore, an exploration of potential joint Call areas is included. The plan does not include any decisions regarding the organisation of a second Joint Call, following the Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call 2022. However, the AOP offers the flexibility to open any new Joint Call during its execution period.