ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
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Challenges & Impact stories

Impact is one of the main ambitions in ITEA. Impact on business, on the market, on society. Without impact, a project will not be successful in ITEA. This is a key value in ITEA, and impact and potential impact are central during the project lifecycle: in project evaluation, monitoring, closure and in communication of the results.

Many ITEA projects have achieved incredible results and most of these successes could not have been achieved without the (financial) support of the national Public Authorities. They have put their trust in these projects and supported them with public funds, making it possible for the project partners to get the most out of it. In return, ITEA is now gathering project impact stories to show in what way they solve key societal challenges and have an impact on business, on the market and on society.

All impact stories will be collected in this ITEA Impact stream. The ITEA Impact stream is a living publication that consists of 2 main elements: 7 main societal challenges and a set of impact stories showcasing the impact highlights of successful ITEA projects.

Create your own personal ITEA Impact stream by choosing the challenges, countries and topics of your interest and be inspired by the results!

Please note that over time more impact stories will be added to the ITEA Impact stream

OPTIMUM Impact story

Smart Industry · 13 December 2024

In today’s factories, machines such as cranes are typically operated manually using heterogeneous hardware. These are usually not interoperable and diverse control environments are used; static machine configurations also make evolution hard to achieve. OPTIMUM enabled machines of different kinds and from different manufacturers to communicate with each other and their operators, improving the safety of workers and equipment. This was ground-breaking because previously only machines from the same manufacturer could communicate with each other at a reasonable cost and engineering effort.
OPTIMUM Project image v2

COMPACT Impact story

Smart Engineering · 13 December 2024

From industrial automation to healthcare, Internet of Things (IoT) has impacted nearly every aspect of our lives. However, the cost pressure of making IoT devices as smart, cheap and energy efficient as possible affects both manufacturing and design costs, with software design accounting for around 45% of the overall System-on-Chip development effort. Fast and efficient software development is thus a key enabler of future growth within the IoT domain. The ITEA project COMPACT brought together 15 partners from Austria, Finland, and Germany to address these challenges.
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EMPHYSIS Impact story

Smart Engineering · 04 October 2024

In the realm of developing new functionalities, engineers often discover that their profound understanding of the physics governing their products falls short when it comes to crafting functions for embedded targets. While this might result in a never-to-be-realised excellent initial idea of operating and controlling their product in a much smarter way, at the same time it reveals the need for a link between the digital simulation of real-world physics and embedded software leveraging on such physics models. EMPHYSIS established a new open standard - eFMI® - laying the foundation to develop innovative tools, facilitating the realisation of model-based functions directly in embedded software with improved code efficiency.
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VMAP Impact story

Smart Industry · 01 December 2023

A wide range of computer-aided engineering (CAE) software tools already enables virtual material and product design, virtual manufacturing and machining process parameterisation, and virtual product testing of high-tech materials. However, these tools are rarely interoperable and contain multiple native formats for storing the CAE data to be transferred between simulation code. The VMAP project has created the world’s first CAE workflow interface standard for integrating multidisciplinary and multi-software simulation processes in the manufacturing industry and its major result is simple: setting up and adapting workflows in computer-aided engineering is now quicker, easier and more cost-effective than ever before.

APPSTACLE Impact story

Smart Mobility · 01 December 2022

In the automotive domain, there is an increasing demand for software related to services. Although high-end cars now contain hundreds of millions of lines of code, development takes place in silos. To meet consumer needs at this high level of complexity while avoiding ‘walled’ proprietary solutions from a few monopoly players, a secure, open car-to-cloud and cloud-to-car platform is needed. APPSTACLE, has created such a platform, connecting cars and transportation vehicles to the cloud using hybrid communication technologies for V2X (vehicle-to-everything) communication. Eclipse facilities have been used to build an open ecosystem in which security, privacy and identity requirements can be met, allowing the platform to be used in a wide range of vehicles.
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SPEAR Impact story

Smart Engineering · 01 November 2022

By helping companies to optimise their energy usage, SPEAR enables them to manage resources more effectively, to reduce their energy consumption and costs significantly and increase their productivity in a sustainable manner. To achieve this, SPEAR uses real device-provided simulation models to produce highly accurate forecasts for the energy consumption of industrial production processes, developed optimisation algorithms and created a flexible and highly generic optimisation platform.
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Flex4Apps Impact story

Smart Engineering · 16 December 2021

Anybody in the industry knows that monitoring applications is important: you want to know how your apps are performing, both from a technical perspective, such as CPU usage, memory, errors, as well as from a user perspective. The problem today is that for many teams, monitoring and analytics is just one of the many things they need to do, with little technical nor methodological guidance. And collecting, storing, analysing and acting upon data from larger, distributed systems is not that easy. The Flex4Apps partners built reference architectures, providing template solutions for dealing with monitoring and analytics, and they developed the methodological support to help teams leverage these.

ASSUME Impact story

Smart Mobility · 05 October 2021

The ITEA project ASSUME (Affordable Safe & Secure Mobility Evolution) deals with the demands of multi-core technologies in highly automated systems. It assures safety-relevant, performance-critical functionality and is traceable throughout the development process via the efficient verification of large systems.

ACOSAR Impact story

Smart Engineering · 11 December 2020

The development of vehicles has become increasingly complex, involving over 50 different suppliers who need to ensure that all components, parts and devices work together. Modelling and simulation represent key methods for a successful development. To facilitate this, the introduction of co-simulation methodologies and the interoperability of simulation tools and infrastructure had already taken root. But there was no standardised way of integrating distributed simulation and test environments back in 2015. In the ACOSAR project was set up to accelerate development steps with new simulation technologies.
ACOSAR project showcase

MODRIO impact story

Smart Engineering · 12 December 2019

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are very large systems that not only involve a large number of stakeholders but are safety critical and have significant impact on the economy and the environment as well. This makes tools for the safe and efficient design and operation of such systems imperative. The ITEA project MODRIO, which ran from 2012 to 2016, was set up to extend modelling and simulation tools based on open standards (Modelica and FMI) from system design to system operation. The main technological ambition of the project was to provide an integrated modelling and simulation framework able to efficiently specify, design and operate CPS. To that end, new ideas were developed to address the complete engineering lifecycle, from preliminary design to operation and maintenance.
MODRIO showcase

AMALTHEA impact story

Smart Engineering · 03 December 2018

The ITEA 2 projects AMALTHEA and AMALTHEA4public are part of a 'string of pearls' in the automotive domain; successes that have pushed this domain into the next phase of its development. AUTOSAR, a result from the former ITEA project EAST-EEA, defined a methodology for component-based development of automotive software and a standardised software architecture for automotive electronic control units. However, AUTOSAR offered only limited support for detailed behaviour descriptions, which are indispensable for developing much more complex multi-core systems of high quality. Those require an increased exchange between tools. Multi-core optimisation especially relies on additional information like detailed timing behaviour. AMALTHEA set about adapting existing development methods and tools and creating a common model that offers the required description capabilities on different abstraction levels. The follow-up project AMALTHEA4public was set up to foster the transfer into application and to create a sustainable open (“public”) platform and a vibrant community of users and contributors.

BaaS impact story

Smart Communities · 03 September 2018

Smart buildings of the future need comprehensive and extendible cross-domain management and control functionality that today’s building automation and management systems (BAS) do not adequately provide. These buildings should not only create an environment that optimises the conditions in which people can work and live in comfort and with security but should also ensure that management and maintenance are performed effectively and efficiently. The BaaS (Building as a Service) project set out to tackle these challenges by introducing a novel semantic IoT service framework for commercial buildings along with a reference architecture and corresponding software platform as a basis for current and future commercial building automation and management technologies.

H4H impact story

Smart Engineering · 03 September 2018

High-performance computing (HPC) is essential in meeting the demand for increased processing power for future research and development in many domains, such as aircraft and automotive design or multimedia. The goal of the ITEA project H4H (Hybrid for HPC) was to provide a highly efficient, hybrid programming environment for heterogeneous computing clusters to enable easier development of HPC applications and optimise application performance. The project also aimed at providing a new infrastructure for HPC cloud computing and a new cooling technology to reduce energy needed to operate the HPC system. The H4H project assembled a consortium of Supercomputing Centres and HPC Research Labs, the European HPC manufacturer, HPC software tools editors and a range of HPC users to validate the proposed technology in real applications from various domains.

EPAS impact story

Smart Communities · 03 September 2018

Several years ago, the European card payment industry, terminal manufacturers, processors and payment system providers worked together - in line with the preference given by the European Central Bank and the European Commission for ISO 20022 standards - to implement SEPA, the Single Euro Payments Area. SEPA aimed at facilitating payments in Europe beyond national borders in order to achieve a single domestic market of payments. However, this requires the full harmonisation of payment-card use – a necessary step to ensure the complete interoperability of national card payment schemes. The ITEA EPAS project (2006-2008) aimed to involve the main actors of the card payment industry to deliver global standards that would enable European retailers to rely on common specifications for their card acquiring operations. The EPAS project gathered together various actors belonging to the European card payment industry such as Groupement des Cartes Bancaires, Ingenico, ATOS Worldline, Verifone, Wincor- Nixdorf, Total, Equens and many others.

EAST-EEA impact story

Smart Engineering · 03 September 2018

The challenge posed at the beginning of the new millennium in the evolution of vehicles was the implementation of integral electronic control of in-vehicle and extra-vehicle functions in order to improve safety and comfort in all areas of the vehicle – from engine, steering and braking systems to communications, entertainment and human-machine interfaces. The problem was that, when a new component is introduced, not only must it be tested thoroughly but so must all existing components to ensure none has been adversely affected. As a result, introducing new electronics puts development costs and cycle times under enormous pressure. The ITEA project EAST-EEA successfully addressed the need for software and hardware interoperability by developing an integrated platform based on open-systems architecture.

DIAMONDS impact story

Smart Engineering · 03 December 2017

Nowadays open networks are taken for granted yet this continuous interconnection and data-sharing are vulnerable to a growing number of security threats from both internal and external sources. In sectors such as transport with train control systems, healthcare with medical patient care, automotive with car-to-infrastructure communications and mobile telecommunications, there are safety-critical implications. The ITEA project DIAMONDS set out to examine how to secure these safety and security-critical systems. The project, which brought together 22 industrial and scientific players from six countries to develop a new security testing paradigm and methodology, known as model-based security testing, successfully demonstrated and evaluated it in eight industrial settings from four different industrial domains.

SAFE impact story

Safety and Security · 03 December 2017

Driving on the road is a way of life. Being able to get safely from A to B is something we take for granted. And today driving is safer than it was ten years ago, and ten years before that, and in ten years time it will be even safer. In 2011, a new standard, ISO26262, was published for the functional safety-related aspects during the safety lifecycle of systems related to electrical, electronic and software elements that provide safety critical functions. The goal of the SAFE project was to enable the automotive industry to comply effectively with this ISO26262 by providing model-based development processes that integrate functional and safety development based on existing development lifecycle processes.

AVANTI impact story

Smart Industry · 13 September 2017

European industry's need for flexible production system design, optimised time to market and extremely high product quality provided the background for the ITEA 2 project AVANTI. The goal was to develop a virtual commissioning test methodology based on behaviour simulation of production systems to enable leading European OEMs, component and tool providers to gain a competitive edge. The projects two key innovations were: (1) virtualisation of the testing process for industrial production lines and (2) the combination of different models and tools for simulating production to create and perform tests for virtual commissioning and industrial application.
December Showcase AVANTI

MODELISAR impact story

Smart Engineering · 13 September 2017

Modelling is not new in automotive systems development but enabling interoperability between different subsystem components from various disciplines has presented engineers with a big challenge. The objectives of the MODELISAR project were to boost collaboration and innovation across system and software disciplines and to test the vehicle behaviour earlier, faster and more affordably in the virtual world. During the project, an international and open Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard was developed to conveniently exchange and interoperate models from different modelling and simulation environments.
19 results on 1 pages


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