ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
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50 up!

Reflections on the ITEA Magazine with former ITEA Chairman Rudolf Haggenmüller

Dirk Elias, current Chairman of ITEA, says that "the way that people consume information has changed. It's a reason to rethink what we do with regard to our communication for and with our Community. And if the Community consumes differently, we also have to adapt.” That's not an observation lost on Rudolf Haggenmüller, current Eureka President and ITEA Chairman when the very first ITEA Magazine was launched in June 2008.

Rudolf Haggenmüller
Rudolf Haggenmüller

"That's right," Rudolf agrees, "people seem to be reading the news digitally today. So, when thinking about the past 17 years, I went to my cupboard here in my living room and I took out all the copies of the printed ITEA Magazine, along with the ‘Golden Book' and the 'Vision 2030', and I asked myself how things will be 17 years from now."

"A very valid point!" Dirk responds. "Maybe it will be a compilation of digital information like photos from your timeline for you to remember something. A timeline of certain subjects or technological developments spread over time in different places where you see how the topic evolves over time. All compiled by an AI that knows your preferences well." Time will tell. But let us have a look at how things began.

What inspired the launch of the ITEA Magazine?

"I just looked at the ITEA Magazine number one and it's clearly stated there: 'Its aim is to keep the ITEA 2 Community and beyond updated about the ITEA 2 programme status and progress, achievements, projects and events.' We had to sharpen our notion of ITEA and communicate this better to the 'family' as well as to Public Authorities, our Board members, everybody. Clearly communicate our values, our ambitions and also our success stories. All this in the face of concrete challenges."

Among these challenges was the very future existence of ITEA, since there were many who foresaw no future and there were plans to stop the platform in 2012. "I took this very seriously," Rudolf recalls. "So, in 2008 I already started to prepare ITEA 3. To the great surprise of my Eureka peers. The magazine was a very clear response to the challenge we were confronted with, a tool to reach the full Community. Even our industry partners and the companies in the ITEA Board. We had to remind the industry, Public Authorities, SMEs and academic partners of the value and uniqueness of ITEA. Our intention was to survive, to keep ITEA with all its uniqueness, its strengths, its bottom-up approach."

Country focus

The reaction of the ITEA Community to the first magazine and the follow-ups was very positive, and confirmation that this was a very effective communication tool. The magazine had three focus areas. "The country focus was intended to keep the Public Authorities aware of the power of ITEA for their country, and the first country was Ireland. Jackie Golden, the Enterprise Ireland & Eureka National Project Coordinator at the time, stated how important ITEA participation was for the Irish SMEs." This statement was backed up by Brian Henley, CEO of Exoftware, a participant in the ITEA project AGILE, who said that "if Exoftware can get involved in a major Cluster and use the experience to grow, so can other companies. It is very much a trailblazer for us." Looking back, Rudolf comments that while RD&I seems to have been the driving force for projects among the various European platforms, it was apparent early on, with ITEA adding the E for Enterprise development, that this was something that clearly benefited Exoftware.

Rudolf Haggenmüller with 12 years of ITEA book

Success stories

ITEA wanted to highlight the success stories from the very beginning by prominently publishing the achievements of the project partners. Rudolf: "AUTOSAR (Automotive Open System Architecture) is a great example; it became a worldwide standard and was created by ITEA projects. We addressed our Community, the countries, and the people in our organisation through such success stories. If I had to choose my favourite kinds of articles, it would be this collection of success stories, which ultimately provided the decisive element for our application of ITEA 3. Just two years after our first magazine, in 2010, we had collected such a wealth of success stories from the first seven magazines that we were able to harvest them into our 'Golden Book': 12 Years of ITEA."

"But, of course," Rudolf adds, "we also focused on key people, those who made the successes happen and those who drove the projects forward – the participants, the Public Authorities and Body members. They were given a real 'voice' in the ITEA Magazine. As in the first magazine when we introduced the members of our Steering Group, a series of very short profiles of all its members.

The road to ITEA 3 and happiness

Fast forward to 2012 and the imminent birth of ITEA 3. In issue 12 of the magazine, the focus was on preparing for ITEA 3 and what Rudolf refers to as 'seizing the high ground'. "We had the aspiration for our Community to go for the big goals – world standards and impact not just on the European stage but worldwide. And on the road towards getting ITEA rubber stamped, innovation impact was a top priority – something has to come fast. As I said, seizing the high ground – don't be shy, declare very bold goals and then go for it. This is coupled with ambition – make a global standard and then do everything in your power to make it happen. And sprinkle all of this with happiness. Happiness in ITEA projects results from clear goals, credible exploitation which everybody can communicate and understand, and responsible freedom in the projects. ITEA projects have the freedom to adjust their goals to the developments in the market. The purpose is not to consume funding but to create impact. Credible exploitation and responsible freedom. ITEA doesn't want our people to suffer burnouts but to enjoy their ITEA experience, the social contacts, the pleasure from achieving the targets, seeing the results applied in practice. And the magazine acted as a kind of spokesperson to communicate these ambitions. In fact, happiness even got its own column in the magazine – End user happiness – which relays how people's lives benefit from ITEA results."

Success breeds success

"My message to the entire Community, in the magazine's 50th edition, is that ITEA is unique. People should be proud, too. Proud of ITEA. If you go to Singapore and speak with the Singapore Enterprise Agency, they have plans that are already reality in ITEA. ITEA is a forerunner. Now that the magazine is being phased out, I can only say I will miss it. The magazine, when it was in my mailbox, down I went, picked it up and went upstairs, opened it up and said, wow, there is the new edition. But, of course, I know that I am different from the younger generation, so I cannot give any advice here. In any case, ITEA has to make sure that the success stories continue to be well communicated, especially to the Public Authorities, to demonstrate the advantages of participation in ITEA projects whose impact and exploitation have proven time and time again to benefit business and society – fast."

The new 'interface'

So, what next? Nothing in the mailbox for Rudolf to read? Far from it, digitally speaking. The interface with the Community, countries, and industry will come in a different format. It's the nature of the changing world of communication. "We certainly want to keep the success stories," says Dirk Elias. "We are very much aware that these are the cornerstone of our communication. So, we will keep that, together with short videos, still focusing on the benefits and the strong outcomes. We have to understand the preferred way that the Community consumes information. Specific companies might want to consume something in a different way. And also personalise it based on target groups or the way they like it. So that's the post-magazine challenge."

"So," Rudolf concludes, "I will be able to click on the homepage and see something that tells me where I can get the latest news, views and stories." That will be an even broader and, at the same time, more specific offering than the magazine could ever achieve. In the words of Bob Dylan, "the times they are a-changin", and communication at ITEA is changing with them…

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By Dirk Elias and Régis Cazenave

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50 up!

Reflections on the ITEA Magazine with former ITEA Chairman Rudolf Haggenmüller

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Shaping the future of technology through ITEA innovations

The successes and impact of ITEA across sectors

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Focus on ITEA’s Country focus

50 editions of collaboration and innovation across borders

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Growth and change in the Community

Insights from long-standing members

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ITEA communication goes fully digital

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