Living Roadmap challenges
To better support the initiation and evaluation of new ITEA projects and to support the management of ongoing projects, an ITEA Living roadmap has been established including a State-of-the-Art database with public deliverables from ITEA projects. The Living Roadmap has also been extended with information about projects, societal and economic challenges and people as well as the links between them.
On this page you can find the set of challenges as described in the Living Roadmap.
The full version of the Living Roadmap is accessible through the ITEA Community website. Login with your personal credentials and having signed and uploaded the relevant Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA) is needed.
Smart Cities
There is an inevitability that we must face – urbanisation is an unstoppable demographic trend and cities will not get any smaller. With the number of megacities and the people living in them increasing exponentially, the question that arises is how can these cities be smarter ...
Smart Communities
Each of us belongs to different communities: at work, leisure, politics, health ... but the fact is that daily life is reducing physical contacts. By contrast, the numbers of digitally connected people are increasing exponentially. The challenge for the smart community is to find a way ...
Smart Health
Smart sports, smart foods, smart hospitals ... there is a seemingly unending trend evident today as health and a healthy lifestyle have become paramount to keeping the healthcare system affordable and manageable. 'Smart' has become imperative in dealing with an ever-growing ...
Smart Mobility
The more physically connected the world becomes, with 64 million km of roads, 4 million km of railways, 2 million km of pipelines, 1 million km of internet cables, and growing, the smaller it becomes and the more vital the need for smart mobility solutions. Take the mobility market ...
Smart Industry
After the steam engine, the assembly line and the success of digital technology, we are witnessing the 4th industrial revolution: the merging of real and virtual worlds. So Smart Industry is naturally one of our main challenges in ITEA. How do we cope with consumer demand ...
Smart Energy
Several important trends indicate that the energy sector is a fast-moving industry undergoing transformation. The first driver is the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions linked to the production of energy in the fight against global warming. This is leading to the development...
Smart Engineering
Engineering – smart engineering – is indispensable to the constantly evolving systems, products and applications we build. The lifecycle of engineering systems and software is expanding with more and more stakeholders, more roles in development, deployment, manufacturing and operations ...
Safety and Security
Digital literacy encounters the challenge of moving from searching, finding and understanding digital information to managing digital footprints, being aware of copyright issues and behaving ethically in crediting ownership, cognisant of the lasting imprint of information online and managing ...