TILDA Telekom Paz.Dan. Bil.San. ve Tic.Ltd
TILDA is an SME operating on IT sector. It focuses on media streaming solutions and video processing, plus, mobile applications development on iOS platform. TILDA is located in science park of Bilkent University in Ankara. It has undertaken several R&D projects both national and international, one of which was in ITEA, and gained an augmented reality game, as a marketable product. Another outcome was a software that is used to automatically switch between several cameras that are used for broadcasting tennis matches on a court, by detecting the player gestures and ball through image processing.
Tilda provided solutions live video streaming demands (like webcasting of events) on the web for more than 100 important national and international technical symposiums, congresses, events. Tilda also hosts "tailored" video hosting services to all under www.kongre.tv domain. The list of technologies and services that Tilda provides, and develops are; live and on demand media streaming on internet, media related web services, media archiving solutions, image and video processing, mobile application development on iOS platform, web hosting services, event boardcasting over web and/or over satellite services.(Extracted from FPP of ViCoMo, edited and approved by Ozgur Gesli on 2013-01-29)

- Type
- Small and Medium sized Enterprise
- Country
- Website