LI2G-CHU Grenoble Universitary Clinic of Geriatric Medicine
Grenoble University Hospital is a 2000 beds facility. The LI2G represent an interdisciplinary group of health professional and researchers involved in public Health, geriatrics and Gerontechnology. The main interest concerns the development and the evaluation of new technology for the screening, the diagnosis and the management of frail elderly in order to prevent medical consequences and the loss of autonomy. The team includes geriatrician, nurses, psychologist and physiotherapist. The collaboration with industry or universitary researchers are multiple in the development and validation of new methods for activity measurement especially with actimetric devices (INSERM, CEA-LETI, F-TELECOM R&D). This group takes part of the medical activity of the Clinic of Geriatric medicine that included 100 beds (50 acute cares and 50 Rehabilitation care), a consultation service, a Mobile Geriatric Team and a day hospital. In this project, the CHU-LI2G shall use different expertise of the professional of care in order to identify the more prevalent and different scenarios leading to acute hospitalisation in frail elderly. The different needs to return at home will be checked and the place or use of the new technology proposed will be evaluated with participation of potential intermediate and end users.
(Extracted from the FPP of MIDAS)

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