Ilmenau University of Technology
Technische Universität Ilmenau (www.tu-ilmenau.de) is one of the German Technical Universities with a high concentration on fundamental and especially application-oriented research and teaching. TU Ilmenau looks back on a long tradition of higher education in the fields of electrical and mechanical engineering. Its present degree courses are those which will meet future needs: engineering, mathematics, physics, chemistry, economics and business as well as social studies which can all be followed on a compact campus with five faculties.
TU Ilmenau is a leading entity in selected competence areas of basic as well as applied research on a national as well as an international scale. The mission of its research is to develop new technologies capable of being directly applied in the society. It received 2012 about 44 million € research funding. TU Ilmenau has around 6,900 students and a staff of 96 professors, about 850 scientific, 540 technical and other employees.
(Submitted and approved by Dr. Siegbert Hopfgarten on 2013-01-30)

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