ITEA 3 Call 2 Project Outline submission and evaluation
On 30 October 2015, 31 Project Outlines (POs) were submitted with a total of 4389 PY from 23 countries, in which Canada’s high participation is remarkable; they really came into ITEA 3 with a “bang”. This demonstrates again their enthusiasm and commitment to forging strategic partnerships.
The quality of the majority of POs was good to excellent and therefore after evaluation a high number of 22 projects, with a total of 3492 PY, were invited to submit a Full Project Proposal (FPP). We are very proud of this good result!

Because the ITEA Office is trying to improve its services continuously, a survey was conducted about the submission process among 559 project participants. 188 (14 project leaders and 174 technical contacts / work package leaders) of them sent in their feedback. Overall, the results were very positive; the main suggestion for improvement was adding two weeks between the PO Preparations Days and the PO Submission deadline. All suggestions will be considered for next year’s Call.
We would like to wish all invited project consortia good luck in preparing the FPP!
Please note that the deadline for FPP submission is 9 February (17:00 CET).
If you have any questions concerning the FPP submission please contact the ITEA Office.