ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call 2022 page header

Ready to make industry more sustainable and greener?

Participate in our Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call 2022!

On 1 February, the Eureka network and the Eureka Clusters CELTIC-NEXT, EUROGIA, ITEA, SMART and Xecs launched the Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call 2022 for RD&I projects. The Call will focus on Sustainable industry.

Targeted challenges

In the global context of digital and green transitions, addressing sustainability and tackling energy and resource issues is essential. The Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call 2022 is designed to stimulate innovations in these important areas, through the creation of transnational collaborative RD&I projects.

Within the larger scope of sustainable industry, that is covered by this Call, two areas of interest have been identified specifically by the national funding bodies supporting the Call:

  • Green ICT – ICT technologies are a key enabler of a green transition for production and consumption patterns in every business and every part of society. However, the digital technologies that are crucial for these ecosystems consist of electronic components, software and systems that can consume a large amount of energy and resources over their lifecycle (from production to installation, use and maintenance to disposal or recycling). Therefore, it is also important to advance research and development towards more sustainable electronic components, software and systems for information and communication technologies supporting sustainable manufacturing. Sustainable manufacturing should implement green ICT solutions in factories, operations, processes, and product planning. Furthermore, to achieve energy efficiency in terms of use of calculation power and related electronic devices, the sustainability idea must also include the design of economical and frugal data capture and processing from the outset.
  • Space-earth-ocean integrated systems for better observation and data exploitation – The challenge is to create application-based ecosystems that take advantage of the rapidly developing space, ocean and land/aerial monitoring techniques and technologies and to create new capabilities and demanddriven, purpose-built ecosystems that take advantage of the rapid development of digital technologies (e.g. data-driven systems). These new capabilities shall support the move to a net zero emissions economy, contributing to climate control, monitoring and management of natural resources, sustainable food production and societal protection, amongst other opportunities.

More information about possible topics, that are examples of technologies and application areas which could fit within the Call, can be found at:

Participating countries

The Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call 2022 will be jointly implemented between the Eureka Clusters and the Eureka Public Authorities of Austria, Belgium (Brussels & Flanders), Canada, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. The available budget for this Call will be supported with over € 20-25 million.

More details about the funding information and eligibility criteria per country can be found at:

Participate in the Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call 2022!

The Call is open for projects that will form innovative ecosystems, with sustainable industry at their core, that will enable advances in the State of the Art and will result in commercial opportunities, economic and societal impact in the application areas addressed.

Participation in the Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call 2022 offers you strong benefits:

  • Be boosted to become a frontrunner in your sustainability application area.
  • Receive national funding with an expected success rate over 30%.
  • Gain access to a large network of organisations from countries in Europe and beyond (incl. Canada, Singapore South Africa and South Korea).
  • Be part of a flexible programme with bottom-up and market-driven idea generation, initiated by businesses and knowledge institutes.
  • Get coaching and support from experts throughout the development and the execution of your project, with the possibility of having up to two Clusters providing this coaching and support.

Supporting tools and events

Online brokerage tools
If you have a project idea for this Call and are looking for partners, or you are interested in participating in a project proposal given your expertise in the field, the Project idea tool and Partner search can support you. To get access, visit the Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call Brokerage area: https://eureka-clusters. eu/sustainability/brokerage-area.html

Online brokerage event and national webinars
To support you in setting up your project proposal and consortium, a Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call Brokerage event will take place on 23 March 2022. This fully-packed day will provide opportunities to pitch your project idea(s) and/or listen to the ideas of others. During the online break-out sessions, you can discuss and further develop your project proposal and consortium.

To fully benefit from this day, a 1-hour online Brokerage preparation session has been set up on 10 March, from 16:00-17:00 CET, providing you with tips and tricks and a demo of the available tools.

Finally, to learn more about the funding opportunities and eligibility criteria of your country and the other countries that you would like to collaborate with, national webinars are set up with the involved Public Authorities.

All event dates can be found at:

Important Call dates – block your agenda!

Upcoming national webinars
Luxembourg: 17 March 2022 - 13:30 CET
Turkey: 14 March 2022 - 08:00 CET

Brokerage event
23 March 2022 - Full day

Project Outline submission deadline
2 May 2022 - 17:00 CEST

Full Project Proposal submission deadline
30 September 2022 - 17:00 CEST

More information:

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Ready to make industry more sustainable and greener?

Participate in our Eureka Clusters Sustainability Call 2022!