Slovenia in ITEA
On this webpage, you will find an overview of activities and publications of the Slovenia in ITEA. It provides valuable insights into the potential benefits of participating in an ITEA project and whether ITEA could be a fit for your organisation. You can also find the national funding contact details.
ITEA award-winning projects with Slovenian participation
ITEA 2 Call 4

ITEA Award of Excellence 2013
Seizing the high grounds

Intelligent Monitoring of Power Networks
ITEA 2 Call 1

Achievement Awards 2010

Collaborative Aggregated Multimedia for Digital Home
ITEA projects with Slovenian participation
ITEA Project partners from Slovenia
Discover all project partners from SloveniaLatest ITEA news including Slovenia

Published on 25 Jul 2014
ITEA 2 IMPONET - Big Data Technology enables more efficient electricity supply in Spain
Funding information for Slovenia

Dejan Korazija
Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
Bleiweisova cesta 301000 Ljubljana