ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
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Project overview

Find below a list of all active and finished ITEA projects

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Winner ITEA Award of Excellence Special Vice-chairman's award 2021
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EMPHYSIS – Embedded systems with physical models in the production code software

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Winner ITEA Award of Excellence Innovation 2020
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Engineering Tool Chain for Efficient and Iterative Development of Smart Factories

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Environmental Sensing To Act for a Better quality of Life: Smart Health

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Winner ITEA Award of Excellence Impact and Exploitation 2020
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Platform for Application and Infrastructure Flexibility in Cyber-Physical Systems

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High Integrity RPAS by Innovative Software Engineering

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Winner ITEA Award of Excellence Special Vice-chairman's award 2020
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Media Orchestration - Sensor to Screen

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Personal dAta pRotection FrAmework for IoT

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Winner ITEA Award of Excellence Exploitation and Unique partnerships 2020
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Public Safety and Crisis Management Service Orchestration

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Panacea Gaming Platform

Panacea Gaming Platform

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Round-trip Engineering and Variability Management Platform and Process

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Safe Rescue

Software-instrumentation platform to improve situational awareness for emergency responders

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Social Media and Digital Interaction Intelligence

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Extensive Personal Monitoring & Watch Platform

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Developing 3D Digital Pathology with Spectroscopy

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Winner ITEA Award of Excellence Standardisation 2019
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Advanced Co-simulation Open System ARchitecture

337 results on 23 pages