ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
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ITEA Topical roadshow 2024

Your voice, your topics, inspiring the ITEA Community

This year, we launched the 'ITEA Topical roadshow', a series of webinars to share knowledge, experience and best practices within the ITEA Community covering technical and managerial topics to enhance ongoing projects and inspire new ones. Each webinar contains a brief introduction, testimonials from ITEA Community members, and open discussions on dedicated topics.

On 26 March and 20 June 2024, we organised the first two sessions on the topics of 'Large Language Models: From research to business value creation' and 'The legal consequences of using AI in healthcare'.

Large Language Models - 26 March 2024

The use of Large Language Models has increased significantly since 2023 as a very interesting technology. As an illustration, the ITEA Call 2023 showed strong interest, with 10 of the 24 Full Project Proposals intending to use LLMs. In today's fast evolving landscape, LLMs offer many opportunities for innovation and business growth. The main challenge is how to use these models effectively to create value.

The 140 registrations for this webinar confirmed the clear interest from the ITEA Community in LLMs. This webinar provided an excellent opportunity for participants to learn more about LLMs, exchange ideas, and collaborate to maximise the potential of this exciting technology.

Topics addressed

  • Generative AI for the software development life cycle by Robin Gröpler - Institut für Automation und Kommunikation (IFAK)
  • LLMs for new services by Abdelkrim Boujraf - ALT-F1
  • Trustworthiness and ethical topics of LLM by Mikko Raatikainen - University of Helsinki
  • Generative AI in media: challenges and learnings by Karim Dahdah – VRT


From the different presentations, it is obvious that even if LLMs now represent a mature technology, their integration in business applications needs to be carefully planned. The general-purpose offering is not always able to create business value. The tools need to be tailored to the objectives of your application and some human checks are important. The session also showed that many experiments are ongoing and that the field will continue to progress rapidly. The ITEA research Community is very active in this domain and continued exchange on the topic will result in faster progress thanks to experience and knowledge sharing.

“Generative AI based on Large Language Models has shown great potential to transform industries, improve productivity and enhance overall business operations in new ways not possible before. At the same time, there are still lots of challenges and also hypes that need to be carefully addressed to facilitate the industrial adoption of such powerful technologies. The ITEA Topical Roadshow session on Large Language Models was an excellent event where different experts from the ITEA Community shared their insights and hands-on experiences in applying LLMs in various industrial applications and domains, and also discussed the gaps and needs for further research.”

The slides, the full recording and recording of each presentation separately can be found at the dedicated session's webpage.

The legal consequences of using AI in healthcare - 20 June 2024

AI is invading our daily lives, and more AI applications are used every day. This is also the case in the healthcare sector where a high number of applications and tools are developed to support decision-making by medical staff. This current trend is also seen and growing among ITEA projects focusing on Smart Health. In this ITEA Topical Roadshow co-organised with Jan-Marc Verlinden, founder of Medrecord and HealthTalk from the Netherlands, the legal consequences of using AI in healthcare, also in relation to the AI Act, were discussed.

Topics addressed

  • eHealth apps and certification by Jan-Marc Verlinden - Medrecord
  • Legal: no showstopper by Jos van der Wijst - BG.Legal
  • Value creation in healthcare through AI by Milan Petkovic - Philips


During the session, we delved into the AI Act and the associated risks of using AI in healthcare, which remains a grey area for many. The pyramid of risk calculation was explained in more detail and more insights were given into the (categorisation of and requirements for) high risk cases and into what you can or cannot do.

Through various examples, it became clear that many aspects are still ambiguous, leaving room for legal challenges. Consequently, it is advised to ensure accountability and company-wide awareness of obligations, as even developers will be held responsible. Preparation for the AI Act's impact should involve AI mapping, classification, risk assessments and corresponding actions.

In the (near) future, guidelines will come to further clarify the AI Act while standards are being extended and created to ensure compliance.

Finally, the opportunities of using AI in healthcare were presented with the proviso of keeping patient safety as the most important aspect of healthcare.

“As an innovative SME in the healthcare domain we deal with a lot of practical challenges to the adoption of technology, including AI. We believe that while most people see the potential, few are willing to assume the risk associated with the adoption of new tools and solutions. It was interesting to hear the perspectives of other companies and healthcare organisations on this matter in the ITEA Topical Roadshow, and it shows the necessity of a joint approach to ensure AI innovations are developed and implemented in accordance with European values and policies.”

All presentations and recordings can be found at the dedicated session's webpage.

Engage and propose your preferred topics for future sessions!

The recent sessions, ‘Large Language Models’ and ‘The legal consequences of using AI in healthcare’ provided insights and experiences presented by ITEA Community members and lively discussions with participants, with the aim to share knowledge, enhance current ITEA projects and encourage the creation of new projects.

As we want to organise ITEA Topical roadshow sessions that are most relevant for the ITEA Community, you can decide on the topics of the future sessions.

So if you want to co-organise an ITEA Topical roadshow session with us, fill in the 'Application template’ that you can find on

You can take care of the content (with our support) and we will manage the registration process, provide a presentation platform, and promote the session via our channels.

We look forward to going on the road with you and create more impactful sessions with and for the ITEA Community!

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