Stichting Zuidzorg
Stichting Zuidzorg is the largest and most experienced provider of maternity care, youth health care, home care (household care, health care, nursing), nutrition and dietary advice, in the city of Eindhoven and surrounding rural districts (a population of over 500.000).
Stichting Zuidzorg provides services and training for well-being and welfare. Nursing and maternity care products can be loaned, bought or rented at Stichting Zuidzorg.
Stichting Zuidzorg offers professional help in the everyday world of our customers. From 20 locations, 4000 employees organize and provide care at the homes of clients.
From a socially responsible position Stichting Zuidzorg aims to provide health care and services that enable the client to control or get the control back of his own life. Applying IT in the care sector is a central aim of Stichting Zuidzorg and in particular for the sector Home Services. This is done to reduce costs and handle the increasing demand of health care (with a decrease of available staff). On a national level Stichting Zuidzorg is the most advanced party in applying IT in care provision.
In national and international projects Stichting Zuidzorg was the key partner to provide end-users and to liaise between end-users, technicians and researchers. They embedded novel IT solutions in their care concepts and demonstrated the practicability in their current exploitation strategy. Stichting Zuidzorg is currently involved in a project proposal which covers transition management needed to integrate IT in care organisations efficiently, funded by the Dutch Ministry of Health.
Stichting Zuidzorg facilitates and organizes test beds for the field tests. In relevant work packages Stichting Zuidzorg provides access to end-users in the Netherlands, both elderly and care providers, for the user studies, field trials and the policy and organisational studies. Their task in WP5 is to provide a platform for long-term exploitation of the IPTV Portal to Wellness concept and disseminate the IPTV Portal to Wellness expertise through seminars in the health care sector.

- Type
- Large Industry
- Country
The Netherlands
- Website