Software AG joins ITEA Board
Brussels, 7 December 2018 – Since the beginning of ITEA, 20 years ago, Germany has been a strong and steady participating country in ITEA. To underline this position and to strengthen the ITEA Programme, the ITEA Board has unanimously welcomed Software AG as a new member.
Mr. Harald Schöning, Vice President Research at Software AG, officially signed the Deed of Accession together with Ms Zeynep Sarılar, Chairwoman of the ITEA Board.

As a leader in Digital Transformation, with over 4,500 employees and active in 70 countries, Software AG will add a great value to the ITEA Community. It is ITEA’s mission to enable businesses, with the involvement of their customers, to create innovative solutions that master the Digital Transformation and tackle the major challenges in a way that really enables society to move forward. Within ITEA, Software AG can share its knowledge with the ITEA Community to achieve this continuous process in a smooth way, and thereby enable Software AG to play an important role in the industry-driven R&D&I landscape of Software Innovation.
Software AG was founded in 1969 and has a total revenue of €870m. Software AG is the creator of the world’s first Digital Business Platform and its mission is to help accelerate and simplify the customer’s digital transformation journey by connecting the world’s applications, data and devices. Positioned by Gartner as a leader in the Magic Quadrant for Full Life Cycle API Management in May 2018, and several other Magic Quadrants, and with an established cooperation with more than 1,350 universities around the globe, Software AG is an expert and excellent collaboration partner in the domain of software innovation.
Source: Software AG
“Software AG will bring the ITEA Community deep knowledge of Software Innovation and the ITEA Community will create added value to Software AG via its customer-oriented innovation process. This partnership will be mutually beneficial and will be highly productive for the Digital Transformation of Europe,” highlighted Ms. Zeynep Sarılar.
Mr. Schöning stated: ”Innovation close to the customer and in collaboration with trusted partners has always been our approach to success. From joining the ITEA Community, Software AG expects to strengthen existing and to create new relationships with strong European pioneers of the Digital Transformation. Software AG is excited to become a member of the ITEA Board.”