ITEA projects ACOSAR, OpenCPS and Reflexion excel in open and standardised (co-)simulation and digital loop with big impact for industry

During the ITEA PO Days 2019 that took place in Amsterdam on 3-4 September, three ITEA projects received the 2019 ITEA Award of Excellence: ACOSAR, OpenCPS and Reflexion. They presented their impressive outcomes during an interactive panel session moderated by ITEA Vice-chairman Philippe Letellier. All three Smart engineering projects created a big impact for industry.
ACOSAR - Efficient system simulation
Today’s complex vehicle systems are manufactured by putting components from different suppliers together, and the same applies to their virtual representatives during development. This approach is called co-simulation and leads to an interoperability issue between simulation tools and their related infrastructure. Developers may either want to run their co-simulations in a distributed manner, across different computers or networks, or replace simulation models with real physical components. The latter enables mixed real-virtual prototypes that can be used for extensive testing. Until now there has been no standardised solution for this. The ITEA ACOSAR project filled this gap; the Distributed Co-simulation Protocol (DCP) specification document 1.0 was released in March 2019, as an open-access Modelica Association standard. Evaluation by means of demonstrators indicated vast potential savings; sports car manufacturer Porsche estimated that within a period of five years, introduction of the DCP could save them between 5 to 7 million euros.
More information: ACOSAR
OpenCPS - Methodology, standards and open-source tools for the efficient development of cyber-physical systems
The partners of the OpenCPS project achieved a solution that enables effective modelling and simulation of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) throughout the entire value chain and system lifecycle. One of the project’s key results is the brand-new master simulation tool, OMSimulator, for the standardised import, interconnection and efficient distributed simulation of system simulation models. An important success of this international collaboration is that both SMEs and larger companies reap its benefits:
- Although unable to afford existing intellectual property, SMEs can enter the world of modelling using this open-source alternative, allowing for faster lead times, easier maintenance and new business models.
- For larger companies, OpenCPS is a means of sharing knowledge, avoiding tool vendor lock-ins and reducing development costs thanks to improved frontloading capabilities.
More information: OpenCPS
Reflexion - Impact on the production process
The Reflexion project partners have succeeded in the real-time and continuous conversion of operational user data from industry into information, thereby gaining better control over the production process, the use of the product and the future design. This creates a so-called ‘digital loop’ in which data is fed back to the ecosystem. The gained insights provide industry with a considerable time and economic gain, e.g. data resulting from maintenance inspections provides not only an opportunity for accelerated troubleshooting and trouble-solving (and therefore a shorter production stop), but also input for improving product design.
More information: Reflexion
ITEA congratulates all 2019 ITEA Award of Excellence winners for their impressive results with great benefit for the industry!