ITEA Office once again successfully passed the annual ISO 9001 audit
On 19 January 2021, ITEA Office successfully passed the annual ISO 9001 audit performed by DEKRA, one of the largest testing and certification institutions in the world. DEKRA has extensive expertise in auditing and certifying management systems in the field of quality, safety, sustainability, and information security. The auditor was impressed by ITEA Office’s quality-focused way of working and no shortcomings were found.
This quality-focused way of working is also highly appreciated by the ITEA Community who rated the ITEA Office support in 2020 with a score of 4.3 on a 5-point scale (4 = very good, 5 = excellent). This score is based on 439 replies collected at different occasions (e.g. during project start-up and funding phase, after PO and FPP submissions and after events).

Passing the annual audit communicates to companies and R&D actors active in ITEA projects that we comply with this internationally recognised standard, building confidence whilst demonstrating our commitment to quality. ITEA Office is always committed to keep up the good work and we are open to all suggestions for improvement, so please feel free to share your ideas with us via!
Certified since 2014
Since 2014, the ITEA Office has an ISO 9001-certified Quality Management System in place to ensure adaptability to the upcoming changes in industry and in the innovation landscape. As of 1 April 2017, the Quality Management System of ITEA Office meets the requirements of the new standard ISO 9001:2015. This certificate (by DEKRA) was renewed in 2020 and is now valid until 1 April 2023. Each year an intermediate audit is executed to keep track of the developments.
More information
News item: first ISO 9001 certification 2014
News item: ISO 9001 recertification 2017
News item: ISO 9001 recertification 2020