EUREKA Global Innovation Summit: 14-16th May, Manchester - Register now!
Innovating across borders for business growth
1750+ attendees | 45+ countries | 140+ speakers | 1500+ matchmaking opportunities
We are pleased to announce that registration for the EUREKA Global Innovation Summit 2019 is now open. This new and exciting three-day conference, focused on innovating across borders, is the flagship event of the UK Chairmanship of EUREKA and takes place on 14-16 May in Manchester.
The EUREKA Global Innovation Summit is full of features, stages and showcases with over 50 sessions to choose from and most importantly, plenty of places to network and make valuable new connections. A 3-day full-scale conference programme will be organised, where you’ll discover the latest developments in AI & Data, Clean Growth, Healthy Ageing and the Future of Mobility. Furthermore, you can participate in info sessions on countries such as South Korea and Canada, just to name a few, and in three interactive sessions with all the EUREKA Clusters:
1. EUREKA Clusters: Industry-driven R&D&I network for growthWednesday 15 May | 11:50 - 12:50 hrs.
The EUREKA Clusters stimulate international collaborative projects to extend the State-of-the-Art in key technological areas and form a basis for rapid economic exploitation. Join this session to learn more about Cluster advantages, Call calendars, SME engagement and advice from Public Authorities.
2. Benefits of SMEs and large industry collaboration
Thursday 16 May | 10:50 - 11:35 hrs.
How can working with corporates create innovation opportunities?
3. Business Impact of EUREKA Clusters
Thursday 16 May | 11:40 - 12:40 hrs.
Learn from testimonials from participating companies on how getting involved in a Cluster project can have real economic and societal impact, whether you are a small, medium or large enterprise.

In addition to the conference programme, a diversity of side events will take place at the venue. Get inspired at the Inspiration Stage with engaging expert talks on 2019’s central topics and trends. Take part in interactive and practical workshops led by innovators at the Innovation Labs. Visit the EUREKA Social area for informal networking throughout the Summit. And get advice on the international funding landscape and the tools and instruments available to businesses at the Global Expert Bar, where you will find representatives from ITEA and other EUREKA Clusters to answer all your questions.
The event is free to attend. An application process ensures that the 1750 international delegates are the best companies and contacts to help progress your business goals.
For further detailed information about the event, please visit